18.03 20:00
60 Min
Traljav posao
Reality (E!)
18.03 20:00
60 Min
A cosplayer meets with the doctors to make her body more comical. Dr Dubrow helps a woman whose previous surgery left her with a heart on her butt. ()
18.03 20:00
60 Min
A cosplayer meets with the doctors to make her body more comical. Dr Dubrow helps a woman whose previous surgery left her with a heart on her butt. (E!)
18.03 21:00
60 Min
In the season finale, Dr Nassif helps a fellow Lebanese patient get the nose she wants, and Mama June from "Honey Boo Boo" needs a fupa lift. ()
18.03 21:00
60 Min
In the season finale, Dr Nassif helps a fellow Lebanese patient get the nose she wants, and Mama June from "Honey Boo Boo" needs a fupa lift. (E!)
18.03 21:00
60 Min
Traljav posao
Reality (E!)
19.03 03:00
60 Min
Traljav posao
Reality (E!)
19.03 03:00
60 Min
A drag queen seeks Dr. Dubrow's expertise to rejuvenate his old breast implants (and career), Dr. Nassif tackles a severe nose deformity, and the doctors meet a woman who wants to blow up her butt! (E!)
19.03 03:00
60 Min
A drag queen seeks Dr. Dubrow's expertise to rejuvenate his old breast implants (and career), Dr. Nassif tackles a severe nose deformity, and the doctors meet a woman who wants to blow up her butt! ()
19.03 04:00
60 Min
A cosplayer meets with the doctors to make her body more comical. Dr Dubrow helps a woman whose previous surgery left her with a heart on her butt. ()
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