21.03 09:40
55 Min
Traljav posao
Reality (E!)
21.03 09:40
55 Min
Dr. Dubrow helps a fitness fanatic fix her lady lumps while Dr. Nassif helps a house flipper close the deal on her witchy nose, and a house husband with a plus sized pout hopes to supersize it. ()
21.03 09:40
55 Min
Dr. Dubrow helps a fitness fanatic fix her lady lumps while Dr. Nassif helps a house flipper close the deal on her witchy nose, and a house husband with a plus sized pout hopes to supersize it. (E!)
21.03 10:35
55 Min
Traljav posao
Pridružite se plastičnim kirurzima, Paulu Nassifu i Terryju Dubrowu, koji će učiniti sve da poprave loše odrađene... (E!)
21.03 10:35
55 Min
A mother of two has no choice but to duct tape up her boobs, a young nurse had her nose ravaged by nasal file, and a D-list celebrity wants to get an A-List nose. (E!)
21.03 10:35
55 Min
A mother of two has no choice but to duct tape up her boobs, a young nurse had her nose ravaged by nasal file, and a D-list celebrity wants to get an A-List nose. ()
21.03 11:30
60 Min
A love-crazy Canadian uses her boobs to get to Paul, while the doctors help a former model fix her nose before her wedding and call for back-up on a revision tummy tuck. ()
21.03 11:30
60 Min
Traljav posao
Ludo zaljubljena Kanađanka koristi svoje grudi da privuče Paula, dok doktori pomažu bivšoj manekenki popraviti nos... (E!)
21.03 11:30
60 Min
A love-crazy Canadian uses her boobs to get to Paul, while the doctors help a former model fix her nose before her wedding and call for back-up on a revision tummy tuck. (E!)
21.03 19:00
60 Min
Dr Dubrow helps a former recluse break out with new breasts, while Dr Nassif tackles a telenovela nose job gone wrong. (E!)