01.03 15:15
55 Min
Traljav posao
Reality (E!)
01.03 15:15
55 Min
A rock-n-roller with a droopy eye wants to get back on stage, while a 21-year-old ravaged by a predatory doctor looks for a second chance at a mommy makeover. (E!)
01.03 15:15
55 Min
A rock-n-roller with a droopy eye wants to get back on stage, while a 21-year-old ravaged by a predatory doctor looks for a second chance at a mommy makeover. ()
02.03 09:45
55 Min
The Human Doll drops by to update the doctors on his 8 new leg implants, and a mother who lost 200 pounds still hates her body. (E!)
02.03 09:45
55 Min
Traljav posao
Pridružite se plastičnim kirurzima, Paulu Nassifu i Terryju Dubrowu, koji će učiniti sve da poprave loše odrađene... (E!)
02.03 09:45
55 Min
The Human Doll drops by to update the doctors on his 8 new leg implants, and a mother who lost 200 pounds still hates her body. ()
02.03 10:40
55 Min
Traljav posao
Pridružite se plastičnim kirurzima, Paulu Nassifu i Terryju Dubrowu, koji će učiniti sve da poprave loše odrađene... (E!)
02.03 10:40
55 Min
The Comeback Patients. A woman who almost died from her tummy tuck seeks to erase her scars, while a former patient surprises the doctors with her shocking transformation. ()
02.03 10:40
55 Min
The Comeback Patients. A woman who almost died from her tummy tuck seeks to erase her scars, while a former patient surprises the doctors with her shocking transformation. (E!)
02.03 11:35
55 Min
7 Year Stitch. Hosted by Dr Terry Dubrow and wife Heather, couples nearing their seventh wedding anniversary have seven weeks to give their relationship a facelift. ()
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