26.03 12:55
5 Min
Treasure Box Japan: Toyama: 5002-054
Yatsuo: The region of Yatsuo holds the Etchu-Yatsuo Hikiyama Festival in May as richly decorated floats parade through the streets - the moment when they're rapidly turned around is a sight to behold! (NHK WORLD-JAPAN)
26.03 12:55
5 Min
Treasure Box Japan: Toyama: 5002-054
Yatsuo: The region of Yatsuo holds the Etchu-Yatsuo Hikiyama Festival in May as richly decorated floats parade through the streets - the moment when they're rapidly turned around is a sight to behold! (NHK WORLD-JPN)
27.03 00:15
5 Min
Treasure Box Japan: Toyama: 5002-054
Yatsuo: The region of Yatsuo holds the Etchu-Yatsuo Hikiyama Festival in May as richly decorated floats parade through the streets - the moment when they're rapidly turned around is a sight to behold! (NHK WORLD-JAPAN)
27.03 00:15
5 Min
Treasure Box Japan: Toyama: 5002-054
Yatsuo: The region of Yatsuo holds the Etchu-Yatsuo Hikiyama Festival in May as richly decorated floats parade through the streets - the moment when they're rapidly turned around is a sight to behold! (NHK WORLD-JPN)