26.03 12:55
5 Min
Treasure Box Japan: Toyama: 5002-054
Yatsuo: The region of Yatsuo holds the Etchu-Yatsuo Hikiyama Festival in May as richly decorated floats parade through the streets - the moment when they're rapidly turned around is a sight to behold! (NHK WORLD-JAPAN)
26.03 12:55
5 Min
Treasure Box Japan:Toyama- Yatsuo
Etchu-Yatsuo Hikiyama Festival (NHK WORLD)
26.03 12:55
5 Min
Treasure Box Japan
Toyama? Etchu-Yatsuo Hikiyama Festival. A selection of acclaimed programs from NHK's domestic channels dubbed into English. ()
26.03 12:55
5 Min
Treasure Box Japan: Toyama: 5002-054
Yatsuo: The region of Yatsuo holds the Etchu-Yatsuo Hikiyama Festival in May as richly decorated floats parade through the streets - the moment when they're rapidly turned around is a sight to behold! (NHK WORLD-JPN)
27.03 00:15
5 Min
Treasure Box Japan: Toyama: 5002-054
Yatsuo: The region of Yatsuo holds the Etchu-Yatsuo Hikiyama Festival in May as richly decorated floats parade through the streets - the moment when they're rapidly turned around is a sight to behold! (NHK WORLD-JAPAN)
27.03 00:15
5 Min
Treasure Box Japan:Toyama- Yatsuo
Etchu-Yatsuo Hikiyama Festival (NHK WORLD)
27.03 00:15
5 Min
Treasure Box Japan
Toyama? Etchu-Yatsuo Hikiyama Festival. A selection of acclaimed programs from NHK's domestic channels dubbed into English. ()
27.03 00:15
5 Min
Treasure Box Japan: Toyama: 5002-054
Yatsuo: The region of Yatsuo holds the Etchu-Yatsuo Hikiyama Festival in May as richly decorated floats parade through the streets - the moment when they're rapidly turned around is a sight to behold! (NHK WORLD-JPN)
29.03 23:40
5 Min
Treasure Box Japan
Toyama: Iwase Hikiyama Festival. At the Iwase Hikiyama Festival held in May in the Iwase district, floats topped with ornate displays are pulled around town then made to collide into one another as an offering to the local deity. ()
29.03 23:40
5 Min
Treasure Box Japan: Toyama- Iwase
Iwase Hikiyama Festival (NHK WORLD)