01.10 03:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Majk i Ant u radionicu dočekuju živahni mali sportski automobil Fiat X1/9. Jedva da ima korozije, ali veliki problemi vrebaju iza vozačevog sedišta. PREMIERE. (Discovery Channel)
01.10 03:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Mike and Ant welcome a zippy little 1974 Fiat X1/9 sports car to the workshop. There's hardly any rust, but big problems lurk behind the driver's seat. PREMIERE (Discovery HD)
01.10 05:00
30 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Majk Bruer rizikuje i kupuje Lanciu Delta Integrale pre nego što je testira kroz vožnju. Ed počinje da radi na kočnicama i potom menja akumulator. (Discovery Channel)
01.10 05:00
30 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Mike Brewer takes a risk and buys a Lancia Delta Integrale without test driving it. Edd starts work on the brakes and then changes the battery. (Discovery HD)
01.10 05:30
30 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Nakon što Ed kao magijom popravi auto, Lančia Delta Integrale izgleda zadivljujuće i vozi kao san. Majku nije problem da nađe ozbiljnog kupca. (Discovery Channel)
01.10 05:30
30 Min
Wheeler Dealers
After Edd works his magic, the Lancia Delta Integrale looks amazing and drives like a dream. Mike has no trouble finding an eager buyer. (Discovery HD)
01.10 06:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Majk pronalazi Porše 914 u jednom ambaru, ali ispod prljavštine on vidi zaradu u ovom sportskom autu i kupuje ga po bagatelnoj ceni. Ed ga prerađuje i kola sad čekaju novog kupca. (Discovery Channel)
01.10 06:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Mike finds a 914 in a barn, but under the muck he can see a profit in the 1970s sports car, so he buys it for a bargain price. Edd overhauls it and it's headed for a new buyer. (Discovery HD)
01.10 09:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Trgovac automobilima Majk Bruer i višestruko talentovani mehaničar Ant Ansted pronalaze i restauriraju legendarne automobile koje zatim uz zaradu prodaju u salonu u Los Anđelesu. (Discovery Channel)
01.10 09:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Car dealer Mike Brewer snatches up a 1973 Ford Mustang Mach 1. Can mechanic Ant Anstead bring back the lost power by tuning up and enhancing the engine? (Discovery HD)
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