13.03 17:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Edd and Mike look back on the memories of the last eight cars. Which were the best and worst buys, the most inventive fixes, and the biggest transformations? (Discovery HD)
13.03 17:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Trgovac automobilima Majk Bruer i vrhunski mehaničar Ed Čajna transformišu oronule klasične automobile u elegantne lepotane. (Discovery Channel)
13.03 19:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Mike purchases a mouldy Porsche Boxster with seized brakes and a host of other faults, but at Ł1,000, he can't resist. Can Edd fix it up enough to turn a profit? (Discovery HD)
13.03 19:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Majk kupuje stari Porše sa neispravnim kočnicama i brojnim drugim nedostacima, ali za cenu od 1000 funti nije mogao da odoli. Da li će ga Ed dovoljno popraviti da na njemu zarade? (Discovery Channel)
14.03 04:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Trgovac automobilima Majk Bruer i vrhunski mehaničar Ed Čajna transformišu oronule klasične automobile u elegantne lepotane. (Discovery Channel)
14.03 04:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Edd and Mike look back on the memories of the last eight cars. Which were the best and worst buys, the most inventive fixes, and the biggest transformations? (Discovery HD)
14.03 06:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Majk pronalazi jedan MC40 od samo 1000 ikada napravljenih povodom 40-godišnjice odavanja počasti britanskoj ikoni reli trka u Monte Karlu. Može li Ant da mu oživi izvorni izgled? (Discovery Channel)
14.03 06:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Mike finds one of only 1,000 MC40s ever made, the 40th anniversary homage to the Monte Carlo rally-winning British icon. Can Ant revive its original look? [AL] (Discovery HD)
14.03 07:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Mike's found a British motoring icon: a 1976 Land Rover Series III. One of the few registered in California, it's a rare find but Ant has work to do to get it moving. (Discovery HD)
14.03 07:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Majk je pronašao čuveni britanski auto: Land Rover Series III iz 1976. godine. Jedan od retkih registrovanih u Kaliforniji, ali Ant ima posla da ga pokrene. (Discovery Channel)