03.11 08:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Majk je pronašao klasični kombi, ali nemoguće visoke cene ga primoravaju da se odluči za manje popularan model. Može li Ed da shvati ambiciozne planove za njegovo doterivanje? (Discovery Channel)
03.11 08:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Mike hunts out a classic camper, but impossibly high prices force him to settle for a less popular panel model. Can Edd realise the ambitious plans for its upgrade? (Discovery HD)
03.11 09:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Mada zvuči kao vrhunska pogodba za superauto 90-tih i Majk je prezadovoljan svojim modelom V8, kada vidi u kakvom je auto stanju, Ed ne deli taj entuzijazam. (Discovery Channel)
03.11 09:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
It sounds like the ultimate '90s supercar bargain and Mike couldn't be more pleased with his V8, but when he sees the state of it, Edd doesn't feel quite as enthusiastic. (Discovery HD)
03.11 16:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima:.
Majk i Elvis idu globalno! Ovog puta, ulozi su veći, rokovi strožiji, a motoričke transformacije su fascinantnije nego ikada. (Discovery Channel)
04.11 06:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Domaćini Majk Bruer i Ed Čajna pokazuju gledaocima kako da kupe pristojan automobil po pristojnoj ceni, srede ga za određenu sumu i naprave dobru zaradu. (Discovery Channel)
04.11 06:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Who said three-wheeled cars can't be desirable? Mike goes on the hunt for a truly iconic car - the 1970s Bond Bug. It's orange, has no doors and only three wheels. [AL] (Discovery HD)
04.11 07:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
A pick-up truck is a stateside icon and Mike is keen to get into the booming classic truck market. He manages to find an unfinished fifties F1. [AL] (Discovery HD)
04.11 07:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Pikap kamionet je ikona širom Amerike i Majk je zainteresovan da uđe na sve veće tržište ovih vozila. Majk uspeva da nađe nezavršeni F1 iz pedesetih. (Discovery Channel)
04.11 10:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Mike finds a two-seat convertible roadster for Ant to recondition. With suspension in need of an overhaul and a tatty exhaust, Mike returns to the UK for parts. (Discovery HD)
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