13.11 06:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Majk namerava da udvostruči novac u pokušaju da od sporog Frogaj Sprajta napravi klasični auto izvanrednog kvaliteta, a zatim s njim odlazi na test vožnju oko muzeja automobila. (Discovery Channel)
13.11 06:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Mike attempts to double his money by turning an old Frogeye Sprite into a premiership quality classic car to be test driven around the Brooklands Motor Museum. (Discovery HD)
13.11 07:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Majk i Ed završavaju svoje putovanje po Americi epizodom Najbolje iz SAD gde izdvajaju najomiljenije trenutke u svojoj američkoj radionici i van nje. (Discovery Channel)
13.11 07:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Mike and Edd wrap their American journey with a look at the best of the US, highlighting their favourite moments in and out of the stateside shop. (Discovery HD)
13.11 10:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Prodavac automobila Majk Bruer i multitalentovani mehaničar Ant Ansted kreću da pronađu i restauriraju kultne automobile koje kasnije prodaju i zarađuju u svojoj radnji u LA-u. (Discovery Channel)
13.11 10:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Car dealer Mike Brewer and multi-talented mechanic Ant Anstead are on a mission to find and restore iconic cars that they later sell for a profit at their LA based shop. (Discovery HD)
13.11 12:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Majk je u Francuskoj da bi pronašao redak primerak Reno Alpine 310. Auto koji je pronašao je odličan, ali krije neka iznenađenja, i Ed dobija zadatak da ga sredi. (Discovery Channel)
13.11 12:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Mike is in France to hunt down the rare Renault Alpine 310. The car he finds is great, but it has some surprises in store, and Edd is charged with getting it fixed. [AL] (Discovery HD)
13.11 17:00
30 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Majk Bruer bira VW kamperski kombi kome je neophodna vešta ruka Eda Čajne. Edov prvi zadatak uključuje zamenu auspuha i završetak dizel servisiranja. (Discovery Channel)
13.11 17:00
30 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Mike Brewer selects a VW Camper Van in need of Edd China's expertise. Edd's first jobs include changing the exhaust and completing a diesel service. (Discovery HD)
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