20.01 06:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
This iconic three wheeler is about to celebrate its 60th birthday so the boys spy a chance to take advantage. But can the duo sell this tiny car for mega money? [AL] (Discovery HD)
20.01 06:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Legendarni trotočkaš proslaviće svoj 60. rođendan, pa momci smišljaju priliku da iskoriste situaciju. Ali može li ovaj par prodati taj mali auto po velikoj ceni? (Discovery Channel)
20.01 07:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Majk pronalazi retku zverku: Merkjuri Kapri MK2 iz 1976. sa klasičnim 2.8-litarskim V6 motorom. Međutim, auto nije bez problema, što predstavlja puno posla za Anta. (Discovery Channel)
20.01 07:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Mike finds a rare beast: a 1976 Mercury Capri MK2 with the classic 2.8 litre V6. However, it's not without its problems, which means a lot of work for Ant. (Discovery HD)
20.01 10:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Mike and Elvis take on a Porsche 911 in rough shape: it turns up in pieces on a trailer. If they can revive it, they'll take it on an epic drive through the Cairngorms. (Discovery HD)
20.01 10:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Majk i Elvis preuzimaju Porše 911 u teškom stanju: on se pojavljuje u komadima na prikolici. Ako mogu da ga ožive, odvešće ga u epsku vožnju kroz Kerngorms. (Discovery Channel)
20.01 12:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Mike has always wanted to get an old Caterham into the workshop, but when Edd decides to take a risk by painting it a shocking colour will the risk pay off? [AL] (Discovery HD)
20.01 12:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Automobilske legende Majk Bruer i Ed Čajna preuzimaju najveći rizik u svojoj karijeri. Otvaraju radnju na izuzetno konkurentnoj Zapadnoj obali Amerike. (Discovery Channel)
20.01 17:00
60 Min
Wheeler Dealers
Mike heads to the USA to find the grandfather of four wheel drives, the Willys Jeep. But will major repairs and high transport costs stop them making a profit? (Discovery HD)
20.01 17:00
60 Min
Trgovci automobilima
Majk odlazi u Ameriku da pronađe preteču vozila s pogonom na četiri točka, Vilis džip. Da li će mu velike popravke i visoka cena prevoza umanjiti mogućnost zarade? (Discovery Channel)
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