04.03 09:00
60 Min
The Alaska Triangle
A secret government facility in the wilderness may be hiding an extra-terrestrial pyramid. And, are strange forces in the Triangle making wildlife more aggressive? ()
04.03 15:00
60 Min
The Alaska Triangle
Is a Sasquatch colony terrorising the residents of a remote island? And, could decades of UFO sightings suggest that aliens are working with the US military? ()
05.03 04:15
87 Min
Vrijeme je za jazz: Obradović - Tixier Duo, Trokut
Glazbeni (HTV3 HD)
05.03 06:25
140 Min
Bermudski trokut u Sjevernom moru
"Bermudski trokut u Sjevernom moru" vodi publiku u dramatičan svijet globalnog zatopljenja prouzrokovanog emisijom ugljičnog dioksida i njegovim odlaganjem ispod morskog dna Sjevernog mora, što je u... (AMC Balkan)
05.03 07:00
60 Min
The Alaska Triangle
A secret government facility in the wilderness may be hiding an extra-terrestrial pyramid. And, are strange forces in the Triangle making wildlife more aggressive? ()
05.03 09:00
60 Min
The Alaska Triangle
Is a Sasquatch colony terrorising the residents of a remote island? And, could decades of UFO sightings suggest that aliens are working with the US military? ()
05.03 15:00
60 Min
The Alaska Triangle
A sonar recording may prove that a prehistoric monster stalks the seas around Kodiak Island. Researchers investigate the disappearance of thousands of airplanes. ()
05.03 20:00
60 Min
The Alaska Triangle
A ghost hunter seeks out spirits from the gold rush in Skagway, Alaska. Tiny demonic creatures may be behind thousands of disappearances in the Triangle. ()
05.03 22:10
65 Min
Anomalija Bermudski trokut u svemiru
Došlo je do slabljenja Zemljina magnetskog polja na području koje se proteže od južnog Brazila do zapadne obale... (BBC Earth HD)
05.03 22:10
65 Min
Anomalija: Bermudski trokut u svemiru, ep. 1. Episode 1
Anomaly: Bermuda Triangle in Space (2019) Dokumentarni (BBC Earth.)