06.02 01:00
60 Min
U domu sa porodicom Deboer
Lokalna autorka ljubavnih romana i njen muž vole da ugoste u svojoj oazi u dvorištu, ali im je unutra skučeno i mračno. DeBoerovi imaju za cilj da osveže njihov životni prostor. (TLC)
06.02 01:00
60 Min
Down Home Fab
Sioux Falls Spice. A local romance author and her husband love to host in their backyard oasis, but their indoors is cramped and dark. The DeBoers aim to refresh their living spaces. (TLC HD)
06.02 09:00
60 Min
Down Home Fab
Sioux Falls Spice. A local romance author and her husband love to host in their backyard oasis, but their indoors is cramped and dark. The DeBoers aim to refresh their living spaces. (TLC HD)