06.03 23:55
65 Min
Uspon i pad: Prekretnice u Drugom svjetskom ratu
Kroz vojne kampanje, velike bitke, povlačenja, poraze i pobjede, istražujemo što je odlučivalo o stanju na bojištima... (Viasat History HD)
06.03 23:55
65 Min
Uspon i pad: Prekretnice u Drugom svjetskom ratu, ep. 4.
Rise and Fall: The Turning Points of World War II Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
06.03 23:55
65 Min
Rise and Fall: The Turning Points of World War II
Through military campaigns, great battles, retreats, defeats and victories, we examine what decided the affair on and above the battlefields of Europe, Asia and North Africa and in the world's o (Viasat History HD)
07.03 12:40
60 Min
Rise and Fall: The Turning Points of World War II
Through military campaigns, great battles, retreats, defeats and victories, we examine what decided the affair on and above the battlefields of Europe, Asia and North Africa and in the world's o (Viasat History HD)
07.03 12:40
60 Min
Uspon i pad: Prekretnice u Drugom svjetskom ratu, ep. 5.
Rise and Fall: The Turning Points of World War II Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
07.03 12:40
60 Min
Uspon i pad: Prekretnice u Drugom svjetskom ratu
Kroz vojne kampanje, velike bitke, povlačenja, poraze i pobjede, istražujemo što je odlučivalo o stanju na bojištima... (Viasat History HD)
07.03 18:50
65 Min
Rise and Fall: The Turning Points of World War II
Through military campaigns, great battles, retreats, defeats and victories, we examine what decided the affair on and above the battlefields of Europe, Asia and North Africa and in the world's o (Viasat History HD)
07.03 18:50
65 Min
Uspon i pad: Prekretnice u Drugom svjetskom ratu, ep. 5.
Rise and Fall: The Turning Points of World War II Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
07.03 18:50
65 Min
Uspon i pad: Prekretnice u Drugom svjetskom ratu
Kroz vojne kampanje, velike bitke, povlačenja, poraze i pobjede, istražujemo što je odlučivalo o stanju na bojištima... (Viasat History HD)
08.03 00:00
65 Min
Uspon i pad: Prekretnice u Drugom svjetskom ratu
Kroz vojne kampanje, velike bitke, povlačenja, poraze i pobjede, istražujemo što je odlučivalo o stanju na bojištima... (Viasat History HD)
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