08.02 15:00
60 Min
UFOs: Investigating the Unknown
A former Navy pilot who helped blow the whistle on the government's secrecy around UFOs becomes an advocate for commercial pilots. (Nat Geographic HD)
08.02 15:50
70 Min
UFOs: Investigating the Unknown
Pilots Speak Out S02 E02. Een voormalige marinepiloot die de geheimzinnigheid van de overheid rond UFO's onthulde, staat piloten bij die hun waarnemingen van vreemde dingen nergens kunnen rapporteren. (NGC HD)
08.02 20:00
45 Min
UFOs: Investigating the Unknown 2
Scientists on the Cutting Edge ()
08.02 20:00
45 Min
UFO: Εξερευνώντας το Άγνωστο Κ2 Ε3
DIS0019110749,7364520,2 (National Geographic HD)
08.02 23:00
50 Min
UFO: Εξερευνώντας το Άγνωστο Κ2 Ε3
DIS0019110748,7364520,2 (National Geographic HD)
08.02 23:00
50 Min
UFOs: Investigating the Unknown 2
Scientists on the Cutting Edge ()
09.02 12:00
60 Min
UFOs: Investigating the Unknown
(Ep 2:6/s2) Dokumentar, USA, 2024. (National Geographic HD (N))
09.02 22:00
60 Min
UFOs: Investigating the Unknown
(Ep 4:6/s2) Dokumentär, USA, 2024. (National Geographic HD (S/F))
09.02 23:00
55 Min
UFOs: Investigating the Unknown
Pilots Speak Out S02 E02. Een voormalige marinepiloot die de geheimzinnigheid van de overheid rond UFO's onthulde, staat piloten bij die hun waarnemingen van vreemde dingen nergens kunnen rapporteren. (NGC HD)
10.02 04:00
60 Min
UFOs: Investigating the Unknown
(Ep 4:6/s2) Dokumentar, USA, 2024. (National Geographic HD (N))
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