31.01 05:30
55 Min
Cursed Bloodlines
The Habsburgs were the most powerful family in Europe for centuries; why was their destiny so fatal, and were all their tribulations connected to some kind of curse? (Viasat History HD)
31.01 05:30
55 Min
Uklete loze, ep. 5.
Cursed Bloodlines Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
31.01 05:30
55 Min
Uklete loze
Od kraljevskih obitelji čija se loza proteže stoljećima, do imućnih poslovnih tajkuna i njihovih klanova, serija... (Viasat History HD)
31.01 06:25
30 Min
Cursed Bloodlines
One of the richest men on Earth, Aristotle Onassis left a string of broken hearts in his wake, but no romance would catapult him into the limelight like his marriage to Jacqueline Kennedy. (Viasat History HD)
31.01 06:25
30 Min
Uklete loze, ep. 10.
Cursed Bloodlines Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
31.01 06:25
30 Min
Uklete loze
Jedan od najbogatijih ljudi na svijetu, Aristoteles Onassis, za sobom je ostavio niz slomljenih srdaca, no ni jedna... (Viasat History HD)
01.02 06:20
25 Min
Cursed Bloodlines
It is said that the Winchester family was haunted by the souls of those who were killed by the Winchester rifle. A series of personal misfortunes seemed to confirm the family was struck by a curse. (Viasat History HD)
01.02 06:20
25 Min
Uklete loze
Od kraljevskih obitelji čija se loza proteže stoljećima, do imućnih poslovnih tajkuna i njihovih klanova, serija... (Viasat History SD)
02.02 05:45
15 Min
Uklete loze, ep. 5.
Cursed Bloodlines Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
02.02 05:45
15 Min
Uklete loze
Od kraljevskih obitelji čija se loza proteže stoljećima, do imućnih poslovnih tajkuna i njihovih klanova, serija... (Viasat History HD)
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