15.10 21:10
30 Min
Cursed Bloodlines
Like the Kennedy dynasty in the US, the Agnelli story is marked by an over-sized influence on the history of their country and by a succession of tragedies that has spanned generations. (Viasat History HD)
15.10 21:10
30 Min
Uklete loze, ep. 13.
Cursed Bloodlines Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
15.10 21:10
30 Min
Uklete loze
Kao i priča dinastije Kennedy u SAD-u, priča obitelji Agnelli obilježena je golemim utjecajem na povijest njihove... (Viasat History HD)
15.10 21:40
25 Min
Cursed Bloodlines
No other family in 20th-century America has held higher status than the Kennedys, but as blessed as they seemingly were, they were also cursed by a series of tragic and bizarre events. (Viasat History HD)
15.10 21:40
25 Min
Uklete loze, ep. 1.
Cursed Bloodlines Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
15.10 21:40
25 Min
Uklete loze
Od kraljevskih obitelji čija se loza proteže stoljećima, do imućnih poslovnih tajkuna i njihovih klanova, serija... (Viasat History HD)
16.10 05:05
30 Min
Cursed Bloodlines
J. Paul Getty was renowned for his wealth and frugality as well as his lack of empathy and compassion for his family. He would marry four times and sire five sons, but he died old and alone. (Viasat History HD)
16.10 05:05
30 Min
Uklete loze, ep. 8.
Cursed Bloodlines Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
16.10 05:05
30 Min
Uklete loze
Od kraljevskih obitelji čija se loza proteže stoljećima, do imućnih poslovnih tajkuna i njihovih klanova, serija... (Viasat History HD)
17.10 05:00
25 Min
Uklete loze
Od kraljevskih obitelji čija se loza proteže stoljećima, do imućnih poslovnih tajkuna i njihovih klanova, serija... (Viasat History SD)
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