31.01 05:30
55 Min
Cursed Bloodlines
The Habsburgs were the most powerful family in Europe for centuries; why was their destiny so fatal, and were all their tribulations connected to some kind of curse? (Viasat History HD)
31.01 05:30
55 Min
Uklete rodbinske veze
Habsburgovci su vekovima bili najmoćnija porodica u Evropi. Zašto je njihova sudbina bila toliko fatalna i da li su sve njihove patnje povezane sa nekom vrstom prokletstva? (Viasat History)
31.01 06:25
30 Min
Cursed Bloodlines
One of the richest men on Earth, Aristotle Onassis left a string of broken hearts in his wake, but no romance would catapult him into the limelight like his marriage to Jacqueline Kennedy. (Viasat History HD)
31.01 06:25
30 Min
Uklete rodbinske veze
Aristotel Onazis, jedan od najbogatijih ljudi na svetu, svojevremeno je slomio mnoga srca. Ali tek ga je brak sa Džeki Kenedi vinuo pod lupu javnosti. (Viasat History)
01.02 06:20
25 Min
Cursed Bloodlines
It is said that the Winchester family was haunted by the souls of those who were killed by the Winchester rifle. A series of personal misfortunes seemed to confirm the family was struck by a curse. (Viasat History HD)
01.02 06:20
25 Min
Uklete rodbinske veze
Priča se da su porodicu Vinčester proganjale duše onih koje je ubila Vinčester puška. Serija nesrećnih događaja kao da potvrđuje pretpostavku da je porodica bila ukleta. (Viasat History)
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