30.06 14:30
30 Min
From Praetorian Palace to Tito Square, the iconic attractions of Koper offer Sabrina glimpses into the history of... (Travelxp HD)
30.06 14:30
30 Min
Koper, Slovenia E05. From Praetorian Palace to Tito Square, the iconic attractions of Koper offer Sabrina glimpses into the history of Slovenia. ()
30.06 14:30
30 Min
Koper, Slovenia E05. From Praetorian Palace to Tito Square, the iconic attractions of Koper offer Sabrina glimpses into the history of Slovenia. (Travel XP )
30.06 14:30
30 Min
Unbound (5)
Koper, Slovenia (Travel XP)
30.06 18:00
30 Min
Ljubljana, Slovenia E06. "Ljubljeni" means beloved in Slovene. Sabrina's last stop on her trip is the capital city, Ljubljana which, much like Slovenia, has love in its name. ()
30.06 18:00
30 Min
"Ljubljeni" means beloved in Slovene. (Travelxp HD)
30.06 18:00
30 Min
Ljubljana, Slovenia E06. "Ljubljeni" means beloved in Slovene. Sabrina's last stop on her trip is the capital city, Ljubljana which, much like Slovenia, has love in its name. (Travel XP )
30.06 18:00
30 Min
Unbound (6)
Ljubljana, Slovenia (Travel XP)
01.07 01:30
30 Min
Sabrina visits a quaint town with mountain views and medieval houses, where people make chocolates, red gingerbread... (Travelxp HD)
01.07 01:30
30 Min
Radovljica, Slovenia E02. Sabrina visits a quaint town with mountain views and medieval houses, where people make chocolates, red gingerbread hearts and honey. (Travel XP )
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