18.01 06:00
60 Min
Undercover Underage
Flori is approached by a man who admits to committing crimes involving minors in the past, and Matt and Shelby attempt to confirm another predator's address. (ID HD)
18.01 07:00
60 Min
Undercover Underage
(Ep 6:6/s1) True Crime, USA, 2021. (ID Investigation Discovery (S))
18.01 07:00
60 Min
Undercover Underage
Flori is targeted by an alleged 17-year-old interested in her for child pornography. After he disappears, she is approached by a man with suspiciously similar tactics. (ID HD)
20.01 12:00
60 Min
Undercover Underage
(Ep 1:8/s2) True Crime, USA, 2023. (ID Investigation Discovery (S))
20.01 13:00
60 Min
Undercover Underage
(Ep 2:8/s2) True Crime, USA, 2023. (ID Investigation Discovery (S))
21.01 04:00
60 Min
Undercover Underage
(Ep 1:8/s2) True Crime, USA, 2023. (ID Investigation Discovery (N))
21.01 05:00
60 Min
Undercover Underage
(Ep 2:8/s2) True Crime, USA, 2023. (ID Investigation Discovery (N))