08.02 21:00
125 Min
United 93
A biographical drama based on the hijacking of United 93, that occurred on September 11th, 2001, which follows the passengers and crew members' attempts to reclaim the plane. 2006. (TV1000 Balkan)
08.02 21:00
125 Min
United 93
A biographical drama based on the hijacking of United 93, that occurred on September 11th, 2001, which follows the passengers and crew members' attempts to reclaim the plane. 2006. (TV1000)
08.02 21:00
125 Min
Zborul United 93
Avionul se îndreptă spre San Francisco. Nimeni nu bănuieşte că va fi deturnat, că la bord se află terorişti şi că viaţa tuturor este în pericol. Film realist şi dramatic despre 11 Septembrie 2001. (TV1000)
11.02 22:15
110 Min
United 93
Drama, USA, 2006. (SVT1 Värmland)