28.02 23:00
30 Min
Upoznajte orangutane
Pratite živote mladunaca orangutana bez roditelja koji su dovedeni u najstarije utočište za orangutane na svetu, na Borneu, odakle će biti vraćeni u divljinu kao odrasli. (Animal Planet)
28.02 23:00
30 Min
Meet the Orangutans
Follow the lives of orphaned orangutan babies as they are brought to the world's oldest orangutan sanctuary in Borneo. Toddlers are wheel-barrowed in for lessons in life. ()
28.02 23:30
30 Min
Upoznajte orangutane
Jedno siroče je novopridošlica i treba mu neko drugi, iskusniji da mu pomogne u prilagođavanju. Bebama orangutana preti velik rizik od parazita koje progutaju hraneći se sa zemlje. (Animal Planet)
28.02 23:30
30 Min
Meet the Orangutans
One orphan is new on the scene, and needs another, more experienced one to help them bed in. The babies are at high risk from parasites ingested from the ground. ()
01.03 02:15
23 Min
Meet the Orangutans
Follow the lives of orphaned orangutan babies as they are brought to the world's oldest orangutan sanctuary in Borneo. Toddlers are wheel-barrowed in for lessons in life. ()
01.03 02:38
22 Min
Meet the Orangutans
One orphan is new on the scene, and needs another, more experienced one to help them bed in. The babies are at high risk from parasites ingested from the ground. ()