27.12 22:05
65 Min
Uspon diktatora, ep. 3.
The Rise of the Dictators Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
27.12 22:05
65 Min
The Rise of the Dictators
Dictators might seem all-powerful, but their position in reality depends on a network of individuals who benefit from the dictator being in power - and their support doesn't come cheap. (Viasat History HD)
27.12 22:05
65 Min
Uspon diktatora
Diktatori se mogu činiti svemoćnima, ali u stvarnosti njihov položaj ovisi o mreži pojedinaca koji imaju koristi od... (Viasat History HD)
27.12 23:10
60 Min
The Rise of the Dictators
Dictators are charismatic, narcissistic and sadistic, but they most of all crave power; keeping a grip on power once you have it takes a mix of negotiation, coercion and force. (Viasat History HD)
27.12 23:10
60 Min
Uspon diktatora, ep. 4.
The Rise of the Dictators Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
27.12 23:10
60 Min
Uspon diktatora
Kroz šest tematskih epizoda, ova serija istražuje kako diktatori dolaze na vlast i nudi uvjerljiv uvid u krhkost... (Viasat History HD)
28.12 22:45
65 Min
Uspon diktatora
Diktatori najčešće žele da prošire svoju moć van granica njihove zemlje. To uglavnom povlači za sobom vojnu agresiju i smrt velikog broja vojnika i civila. (Viasat History)
28.12 22:45
65 Min
Uspon diktatora
Kroz šest tematskih epizoda, ova serija istražuje kako diktatori dolaze na vlast i nudi uvjerljiv uvid u krhkost... (Viasat History HD)
28.12 22:45
65 Min
Uspon diktatora, ep. 5.
The Rise of the Dictators Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
28.12 23:50
65 Min
Uspon diktatora, ep. 6.
The Rise of the Dictators Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)