27.12 23:10
60 Min
The Rise of the Dictators
Dictators are charismatic, narcissistic and sadistic, but they most of all crave power; keeping a grip on power once you have it takes a mix of negotiation, coercion and force. (Viasat History HD)
27.12 23:10
60 Min
Uspon diktatora, ep. 4.
The Rise of the Dictators Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
27.12 23:10
60 Min
Uspon diktatora
Kroz šest tematskih epizoda, ova serija istražuje kako diktatori dolaze na vlast i nudi uvjerljiv uvid u krhkost... (Viasat History HD)
28.12 22:45
65 Min
The Rise of the Dictators
Dictators often want to extend their power beyond their country's borders; this generally means military aggression and the deaths of vast numbers of soldiers and civilians. (Viasat History HD)
28.12 22:45
65 Min
Uspon diktatora
Diktatori najčešće žele da prošire svoju moć van granica njihove zemlje. To uglavnom povlači za sobom vojnu agresiju i smrt velikog broja vojnika i civila. (Viasat History)
28.12 22:45
65 Min
Uspon diktatora
Kroz šest tematskih epizoda, ova serija istražuje kako diktatori dolaze na vlast i nudi uvjerljiv uvid u krhkost... (Viasat History SD)
28.12 23:50
65 Min
Uspon diktatora
Diktatura se svuda pokazala neodrživom. Čežnja diktatora za moći vodi ka sve većoj opresiji, usled čega narod počinje da se buni, što vodi ka svrgavanju diktature. (Viasat History)
28.12 23:50
65 Min
Uspon diktatora
Kroz šest tematskih epizoda, ova serija istražuje kako diktatori dolaze na vlast i nudi uvjerljiv uvid u krhkost... (Viasat History SD)
28.12 23:50
65 Min
The Rise of the Dictators
Dictatorships are almost universally unsustainable; a dictator's thirst for power invariably leads to greater and greater oppression, leaving a nation broken and so all dictatorships eventually fall. (Viasat History HD)
30.12 02:10
55 Min
Uspon diktatora, ep. 5.
The Rise of the Dictators Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
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