26.12 23:15
65 Min
Uspon diktatora
Kroz šest tematskih epizoda, ova serija istražuje kako diktatori dolaze na vlast i nudi uvjerljiv uvid u krhkost... (Viasat History HD)
26.12 23:15
65 Min
Uspon diktatora, ep. 1.
The Rise of the Dictators Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
26.12 23:15
65 Min
Uspon diktatora
Istorija je puna primera kako su diktatori došli na vlast, ali koje su zajedničke teme, koje su okolnosti koje dovode do tiranije i koje tehnike koriste da bi došli do vrha? (Viasat History)
26.12 23:15
65 Min
The Rise of the Dictators
Tearing Down the Old. History is filled with examples of how dictators have come to power, but what are the common themes, what are the circumstances that lead to tyranny, and what techniques do they... (Viasat History HD)
27.12 00:20
60 Min
The Rise of the Dictators
A strong decisive leader will emerge when the conditions are right, but there's a process to winning over a population; they need to sell themselves and build a cult of personality. (Viasat History HD)
27.12 00:20
60 Min
Uspon diktatora, ep. 2.
The Rise of the Dictators Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
27.12 00:20
60 Min
Uspon diktatora
Kroz šest tematskih epizoda, ova serija istražuje kako diktatori dolaze na vlast i nudi uvjerljiv uvid u krhkost... (Viasat History HD)
27.12 00:20
60 Min
Uspon diktatora
Snažan odlučujući lider će se pojaviti kada se za to steknu uslovi, ali postoji proces za osvajanje stanovništva. Oni moraju da se dopadnu narodu i izgrade kult ličnosti. (Viasat History)
27.12 22:05
65 Min
The Rise of the Dictators
Dictators might seem all-powerful, but their position in reality depends on a network of individuals who benefit from the dictator being in power - and their support doesn't come cheap. (Viasat History HD)
27.12 22:05
65 Min
Uspon diktatora, ep. 3.
The Rise of the Dictators Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
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