03.03 07:35
50 Min
The Vampire Diaries
US drama series following the supernatural goings-on in the small town of Mystic Falls, Virginia. When Elena is trapped by Wes, Damon decides to ask Stefan for help in getting her back and comes up... (STAR Life HD)
03.03 07:35
50 Min
The Vampire Diaries
US drama series following the supernatural goings-on in the small town of Mystic Falls, Virginia. When Elena is trapped by Wes, Damon decides to ask Stefan for help in getting her back and comes up... (STAR Life HD)
03.03 07:35
100 Min
The Vampire Diaries
Dramº (STAR Life)
03.03 08:25
50 Min
The Vampire Diaries
US drama series following the supernatural goings-on in the small town of Mystic Falls, Virginia. Stefan lets Elena, Caroline and Bonnie know that Katherine's health has taken a turn for the worse,... (STAR Life HD)
03.03 08:25
50 Min
The Vampire Diaries
US drama series following the supernatural goings-on in the small town of Mystic Falls, Virginia. Stefan lets Elena, Caroline and Bonnie know that Katherine's health has taken a turn for the worse,... (STAR Life HD)
03.03 16:00
52 Min
Vampire Diaries
(La lueur des lanternes), 2009, avec Ian SOMERHALDER, Nina DOBREV, Paul WESLEY, Candice ACCOLA (AB1)
03.03 16:01
49 Min
Vampire Diaries
(La lueur des lanternes), 2009, avec Ian SOMERHALDER, Nina DOBREV, Paul WESLEY, Candice ACCOLA (AB1)
03.03 16:10
45 Min
Vampire Diaries
La lueur des lanternes S04 E02. Stefan et Damon tentent d'aider Elena qui lutte contre son nouveau statut de vampire. Un chasseur de vampire fait son apparition à Mystic Falls. (AB1)
03.03 16:15
45 Min
The Vampire Diaries
03.03 16:50
46 Min
Vampire Diaries
(La rage au corps), 2009, avec Ian SOMERHALDER, Nina DOBREV, Paul WESLEY, Candice ACCOLA (AB1)