29.06 16:35
70 Min
Τάφοι της Αιγύπτου: Ιμούθης, ο Αρχιτέκτονας των Πυραμίδων Κ1 Ε1
DIS0017487541,7252984,0 (Viasat History HD)
29.06 16:35
70 Min
Tombs of Egypt: Imhotep, the Pyramid Creator
Archaeologist Zahi Hawass hopes to discover the tomb of Imhotep, the architect of the Step Pyramid of Djoser, and aims to unearth the many secrets of the Egyptian mummies with his team. (Viasat History HD)
29.06 17:10
50 Min
Lost Treasures of Egypt
Alexander the Great S04 E07. Een spannende serie over Egyptes Vallei der Koningen. (NGC HD)
29.06 17:45
65 Min
Τάφοι της Αιγύπτου: Ιμούθης, ο Αρχιτέκτονας των Πυραμίδων Κ1 Ε2
DIS0017487543,7252984,1 (Viasat History HD)
29.06 17:45
65 Min
Tombs of Egypt: Imhotep, the Pyramid Creator
Zahi Hawass is excavating an enclosure called Gisr El-Mudir where sarcophagi containing mysterious mummies and rich painted tombs are discovered; will these treasures lead them to Imhotep? (Viasat History HD)
30.06 01:45
50 Min
Egypt's Lost Pyramid
An astonishing discovery has been made in the barren desert of northern Egypt: a pyramid with a sealed burial chamber. The contents have been disturbed, but there are no signs of entry... (Viasat History HD)
30.06 01:45
50 Min
Egypt's Lost Pyramid
(Viasat History HD)
30.06 01:45
50 Min
Η Χαμένη Πυραμίδα της Αιγύπτου
DIS0017487570,6526522, (Viasat History HD)
30.06 08:50
50 Min
Egypt (6)
(CT 2 HD)
30.06 08:50
50 Min
6/6 Tajemství hieroglyfů. Objevené poklady, které ležely pět tisíc let v písku. Filmový cyklus BBC. (CT 2 HD)
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