19.03 15:15
55 Min
Very Cavallari 2
The One Where Jay Goes Cray (E! Entertainment HD)
19.03 15:15
55 Min
Very Cavallari
Kristin ia pălăria şefului ei când prietenii ei vin la Nashville, dar toţi sunt uluiţi când Jay se enervează. (E! Entertainment)
19.03 15:15
55 Min
Very Cavallari
Kristin takes off her boss hat when her friends come to Nashville, but everyone is left a little confused when Jay loses his cool. (E!)
19.03 15:15
55 Min
Very Cavallari
Kristin ia palaria sefului ei cand prietenii ei vin la Nashville, dar toti sunt uluiti cand Jay se enerveaza. - Sursa: media-press.tv (E! Entertainment)
19.03 15:15
55 Min
Very Cavallari: Co denerwuje Jaya?: odc.6
(E! Entertainment)
19.03 15:15
55 Min
Very Cavallari
Kristin takes off her boss hat when her friends come to Nashville, but everyone is left a little confused when Jay loses his cool. ()
19.03 15:15
55 Min
Very Cavallari
(sua, 2019, mag. life-style, sezonul 2, episodul 6) Jay o ia razna Cu:... (E!)
19.03 15:15
55 Min
Cavallari από την Αρχή ως το Τέλος Κ2 Ε6
DIS0019323785,2873187644,5 (E! HD)
19.03 15:15
55 Min
Very Cavallari
Reality (E!)
19.03 16:10
55 Min
Very Cavallari
In the aftermath of the awkward friend dinner, Kristin and Jay realise that they need to make more time for each other as a couple. ()