22.09 01:00
60 Min
Very Cavallari
The stakes are high as Kristin launches her second retail store in Chicago. It's a huge moment and she needs every detail to be absolutely perfect. ()
22.09 01:00
60 Min
Very Cavallari
The stakes are high as Kristin launches her second retail store in Chicago. It's a huge moment and she needs every detail to be absolutely perfect. (E!)
22.09 01:00
60 Min
Very Cavallari
Miza e mare când Kristin îşi lansează al doilea magazin la Chicago. E un moment important şi are nevoie ca toate detaliile să fie perfecte. (E! Entertainment)
22.09 01:00
60 Min
Cavallari από την Αρχή ως το Τέλος Κ3 Ε11
DIS0017924423,2873240202,10 (E! HD)
22.09 01:00
60 Min
Very Cavallari
Reality (E!)
22.09 01:00
60 Min
Very Cavallari 3
New Store, New Chapters (E! Entertainment HD)
22.09 02:00
60 Min
Very Cavallari
It's Christmas time in Nashville, and Kristin and Jay find themselves with conflicting opinions on how to decorate their house for the holidays. ()
22.09 02:00
60 Min
Very Cavallari
E Crăciunul la Nashville, iar Kristin şi Jay au opinii contradictorii cu privire la modul în care să-şi decoreze casa de sărbători. (E! Entertainment)
22.09 02:00
60 Min
Very Cavallari
Reality (E!)
22.09 02:00
60 Min
Very Cavallari
It's Christmas time in Nashville, and Kristin and Jay find themselves with conflicting opinions on how to decorate their house for the holidays. (E!)
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