16.06 17:50
65 Minuten
Ancient Engineering
From ancient Persian ice stores hidden in the desert to terraced farming, marvel at the sheer brilliance of our ancient engineers as they solved problems and broke new ground.
16.06 18:55
65 Minuten
Ancient Engineering
From complex irrigation systems and unifying canals to far-reaching visions and constructing an entire city on water, discover the innovative ways ancient engineers used to harness the power of water.
16.06 20:00
55 Minuten
Lost Cities of the Trojans
In Turkey, investigators are unlocking remarkable new secrets that are transforming our understanding of the past; they're excavating the ruins of a city that many believe to be Troy itself.
16.06 20:55
60 Minuten
Lost Cities of the Trojans
Did the Trojan War really happen? Incredible new evidence is exposing the truth behind the tale; teams of experts in Turkey, Amsterdam and Greece explore evidence and discover new clues.
16.06 21:55
65 Minuten
Crucifixion Bones
In 2017, an ordinary archaeological dig in the Cambridgeshire Fens turns up a sensational discovery when the best-preserved example of a Roman crucifixion ever discovered is unearthed.
16.06 23:00
65 Minuten
Churchill's Forgotten War
In the summer of 1940, Churchill had taken power and the decision to arrest UK citizens originating from Germany, Austria and Italy; many were perfectly innocent men and some were Jewish refugees.
17.06 00:05
60 Minuten
Nazi Killing Fields
March 1945: a special unit of the SS feels disturbed by wandering forced labourers in the West when their commander orders a massacre; this was a war crime that remained unpunished for decades.
17.06 01:05
100 Minuten
Resistance: They Fought Back
Most people have no idea how widespread Jewish resistance to Nazi barbarism was; this documentary illustrating the uprising in ghettos, rebellions in death camps, and armed resistance in the forests.
17.06 02:45
50 Minuten
Ancient Apocalypse
The Aztec empire developed sophisticated writing systems, calendars, and a religion that required human sacrifices, but they would soon be decimated by their encounters with European colonisers.
17.06 03:35
45 Minuten
Forbidden History
A team of experts investigate the methods Hitler used to indoctrinate Germany, turning it into a finely-tuned war machine; we visit Goebbels' Propaganda Ministry and the holiday park of Prora.
17.06 04:20
50 Minuten
Forbidden History
The Devil's Bible has long intrigued experts; who wrote it? In search of the truth, we visit a castle said to house a gate to Hell, huge rock-carved demons, and the palaces of heretical monarchs.
17.06 05:10
25 Minuten
Cursed Bloodlines
Archaeologists' discovery of King Tut's tomb taught us about a lost civilisation. When death befell several members of the team, rumours of a curse on the tomb spread like wildfire around the world.
17.06 05:35
60 Minuten
Mummies Unwrapped
Investigators attempt to understand why a mummy was transported half way around the world.
17.06 06:35
60 Minuten
Bettany Hughes' Treasures of the World
Located on the Adriatic and Ionian Seas, Bettany explores Albania, the hidden gem of the Balkans and a land of epic fortress towns, sparkling seas, and a diverse history and culture.
17.06 07:35
65 Minuten
Rise and Fall: The Turning Points of World War II
Through military campaigns, great battles, retreats, defeats and victories, we examine what decided the affair on and above the battlefields of Europe, Asia and North Africa and in the world's o
17.06 08:40
70 Minuten
Battles For Europe
From the beaches of Normandy to the heartland of the Third Reich, this programme delivers compelling and definitive stories of the battles fought to liberate Western Europe from the Nazis.
17.06 09:50
60 Minuten
Top Ten Warfare
What makes a successful war leader? Influential leaders of warfare all share a vision and the ability to inspire others to follow their orders, but how they lead differs hugely.
17.06 10:50
60 Minuten
Bettany Hughes' Treasures of the World
Bettany returns to Azerbaijan for more adventures on the Silk Roads; she explores its most remote and hidden corners to find out the cultural impact of a history of isolation and influence.
17.06 11:50
60 Minuten
Conquistadors: The Rise and Fall
Columbus' return voyage to the Americas began with bloodshed when he discovered that the Spanish left behind at Hispaniola were killed by the indigenous Taíno.
17.06 12:50
60 Minuten
Genghis Khan's Mongolia
We explore the evolution of the Mongol Empire, from its humble beginnings to becoming an extraordinary force; they conquered vast territories and came to be four times larger than the Roman Empire.
17.06 13:50
60 Minuten
Bettany Hughes' Treasures of the World
Located on the Adriatic and Ionian Seas, Bettany explores Albania, the hidden gem of the Balkans and a land of epic fortress towns, sparkling seas, and a diverse history and culture.
17.06 14:50
55 Minuten
Mummies Unwrapped
Investigators attempt to understand why a mummy was transported half way around the world.
17.06 15:45
55 Minuten
Myths: Great Mysteries of Humanity
Witches - child-eating monsters in service of the devil? Age-old stories and archaeological discoveries reveal magical practices and describe both alluring and terrifying women with special powers.
17.06 16:40
70 Minuten
Rise and Fall: The Turning Points of World War II
Through military campaigns, great battles, retreats, defeats and victories, we examine what decided the affair on and above the battlefields of Europe, Asia and North Africa and in the world's o
17.06 17:50
65 Minuten
Battles For Europe
From the beaches of Normandy to the heartland of the Third Reich, this programme delivers compelling and definitive stories of the battles fought to liberate Western Europe from the Nazis.
17.06 18:55
65 Minuten
Top Ten Warfare
What makes a successful war leader? Influential leaders of warfare all share a vision and the ability to inspire others to follow their orders, but how they lead differs hugely.
17.06 20:00
60 Minuten
Women Under Hitler's Flag
This first episode, which begins with Hitler's arrival in power in 1933, goes back to the roots of the indoctrination of young German girls within the female branch of the Hitler Youth (BDM).
17.06 21:00
80 Minuten
Secret Nazi Science
The Nazis went to great lengths to warp the natural world to their whims as they believed that ruins that could prove the Aryans to be the superior race lay buried in the soil.
17.06 22:20
60 Minuten
Secret Weapons: WWII
World War II ignited a fierce battle for aerial dominance and drove nations to pioneer secret aircraft technologies; this episode explores the development of early jet fighters.
17.06 23:20
65 Minuten
Rise and Fall: The Turning Points of World War II
Through military campaigns, great battles, retreats, defeats and victories, we examine what decided the affair on and above the battlefields of Europe, Asia and North Africa and in the world's o
18.06 00:25
60 Minuten
Top Ten Warfare
What makes a successful war leader? Influential leaders of warfare all share a vision and the ability to inspire others to follow their orders, but how they lead differs hugely.
18.06 01:25
55 Minuten
Battles For Europe
From the beaches of Normandy to the heartland of the Third Reich, this programme delivers compelling and definitive stories of the battles fought to liberate Western Europe from the Nazis.
18.06 02:20
50 Minuten
Women Under Hitler's Flag
This first episode, which begins with Hitler's arrival in power in 1933, goes back to the roots of the indoctrination of young German girls within the female branch of the Hitler Youth (BDM).
18.06 03:10
60 Minuten
Secret Nazi Science
The Nazis went to great lengths to warp the natural world to their whims as they believed that ruins that could prove the Aryans to be the superior race lay buried in the soil.
18.06 04:10
70 Minuten
Secret Weapons: WWII
World War II ignited a fierce battle for aerial dominance and drove nations to pioneer secret aircraft technologies; this episode explores the development of early jet fighters.
18.06 05:20
55 Minuten
Mummies Unwrapped
Egypt's Lost Queen. Could a shock discovery of a tooth hidden inside a jewellery box lead archaeologists to the lost mummy of the female pharaoh Hatshepsut, who is widely considered to be ancient...
18.06 06:15
65 Minuten
Bettany Hughes' Treasures of the World
Bettany visits Turkey to witness settlements such as Cappadocia and Göbeklitepe up close; she also explores Urfa (Şanl1urfa), one of the most significant pilgrimage cities of the Middle East.
18.06 07:20
60 Minuten
Rise and Fall: The Turning Points of World War II
Through military campaigns, great battles, retreats, defeats and victories, we examine what decided the affair on and above the battlefields of Europe, Asia and North Africa and in the world's o
18.06 08:20
70 Minuten
Battles For Europe
From the beaches of Normandy to the heartland of the Third Reich, this programme delivers compelling and definitive stories of the battles fought to liberate Western Europe from the Nazis.
18.06 09:30
65 Minuten
Top Ten Warfare
Secrecy in war can mean the difference between victory and defeat; from spies to sabotage, military commanders often turn to secret plans at the height of war in order to gain a strategic advantage.
18.06 10:35
60 Minuten
Women Under Hitler's Flag
This first episode, which begins with Hitler's arrival in power in 1933, goes back to the roots of the indoctrination of young German girls within the female branch of the Hitler Youth (BDM).
18.06 11:35
60 Minuten
Secret Nazi Science
The Nazis went to great lengths to warp the natural world to their whims as they believed that ruins that could prove the Aryans to be the superior race lay buried in the soil.
18.06 12:35
60 Minuten
Secret Weapons: WWII
World War II ignited a fierce battle for aerial dominance and drove nations to pioneer secret aircraft technologies; this episode explores the development of early jet fighters.
18.06 13:35
60 Minuten
Bettany Hughes' Treasures of the World
Bettany visits Turkey to witness settlements such as Cappadocia and Göbeklitepe up close; she also explores Urfa (Şanl1urfa), one of the most significant pilgrimage cities of the Middle East.
18.06 14:35
60 Minuten
Mummies Unwrapped
Egypt's Lost Queen. Could a shock discovery of a tooth hidden inside a jewellery box lead archaeologists to the lost mummy of the female pharaoh Hatshepsut, who is widely considered to be ancient...
18.06 15:35
65 Minuten
Myths: Great Mysteries of Humanity
The Three Pyramids of Giza are world-famous archaeological marvels, but it is said that there was a fourth pyramid which was even more impressive. Why has this pyramid disappeared?
18.06 16:40
70 Minuten
Rise and Fall: The Turning Points of World War II
Through military campaigns, great battles, retreats, defeats and victories, we examine what decided the affair on and above the battlefields of Europe, Asia and North Africa and in the world's o
18.06 17:50
65 Minuten
Battles For Europe
From the beaches of Normandy to the heartland of the Third Reich, this programme delivers compelling and definitive stories of the battles fought to liberate Western Europe from the Nazis.
18.06 18:55
65 Minuten
Top Ten Warfare
Secrecy in war can mean the difference between victory and defeat; from spies to sabotage, military commanders often turn to secret plans at the height of war in order to gain a strategic advantage.
18.06 20:00
70 Minuten
Roman Megastructures
We explore three cities that were once part of Julius Caesar's quest to grow the Roman Empire; through the use of CGI and expert testimony, we unveil the secrets of these wonders of Roman engineering.
18.06 21:10
65 Minuten
Ancient Superstructures
We delve into the engineering mysteries behind the world's most famous ancient structures by observing them from perspectives ranging from satellite imagery right down to macro and microscopic levels.
18.06 22:15
60 Minuten
Ancient Superstructures
We delve into the engineering mysteries behind the world's most famous ancient structures by observing them from perspectives ranging from satellite imagery right down to macro and microscopic levels.
18.06 23:15
70 Minuten
Rise and Fall: The Turning Points of World War II
Through military campaigns, great battles, retreats, defeats and victories, we examine what decided the affair on and above the battlefields of Europe, Asia and North Africa and in the world's o
19.06 00:25
55 Minuten
Top Ten Warfare
Secrecy in war can mean the difference between victory and defeat; from spies to sabotage, military commanders often turn to secret plans at the height of war in order to gain a strategic advantage.