27.09 15:45
70 Minuten
Real Life of a Roman Soldier
Recent excavations in the city of Lyon shed light on the daily lives of Roman soldiers; numerous artefacts have been unearthed such as 1st-century A.D. / C.E. weapons and toiletry and leisure items.
27.09 16:55
60 Minuten
Greatest Events of World War II In Colour
The Allies plan how to break through Hitler's Atlantic Wall for years. The D-Day fleet is the biggest assembled in history, responsible for one of the bloodiest and most extraordinary battles of WW2.
27.09 17:55
65 Minuten
The Masters of the Reich
We look at the conversations at the heart of German power; the deciphering of archive images allows us to understand the motivations of the Nazi regime in their conquest of Europe.
27.09 19:00
60 Minuten
Secret Nazi Bases
North America seemed safe from the horrors of war for much of WWII, but a chilling discovery in the furthest reaches of eastern Canada hints at the true depths of the Nazis' seafaring capabilities.
27.09 20:00
60 Minuten
The Secrets to Civilisation
Top historians share with us how new data on the state of our planet is providing them with fresh insights on how climate change, pandemics and vulcanism have affected the course of human history.
27.09 21:00
70 Minuten
The Masters of the Reich
We look at the Nazi hegemony from 1941 to its decline in 1945; deciphered archives show us the greatest offensive of the 20th century in the East as well as the apocalypse of a ruined Germany.
27.09 22:10
60 Minuten
Greatest Events of World War II In Colour
The Allies plan how to break through Hitler's Atlantic Wall for years. The D-Day fleet is the biggest assembled in history, responsible for one of the bloodiest and most extraordinary battles of WW2.
27.09 23:10
60 Minuten
Secret Nazi Bases
North America seemed safe from the horrors of war for much of WWII, but a chilling discovery in the furthest reaches of eastern Canada hints at the true depths of the Nazis' seafaring capabilities.
28.09 00:10
60 Minuten
Women Under Hitler's Flag
Women were far from mere witnesses or accomplices by 1942 - and played a role as important as it was deadly. After the war, the women of the Reich simply slipped through the judicial net.
28.09 01:10
50 Minuten
Top Ten Warfare
What makes a successful war leader? Influential leaders of warfare all share a vision and the ability to inspire others to follow their orders, but how they lead differs hugely.
28.09 02:00
60 Minuten
The Lost Scrolls of Vesuvius
We reveal the ground-breaking science being used by Professor Brent Seales as he attempts to be the first person in nearly 2,000 years to read inside the ancient scrolls found in Herculaneum.
28.09 03:00
50 Minuten
Baia - The Atlantis of Rome
Baia is the largest underwater archaeological site in the world; a multidisciplinary team of scientists and archaeologists works to safeguard submerged remains and uncover its hidden secrets.
28.09 03:50
25 Minuten
Cursed Bloodlines
Archaeologists' discovery of King Tut's tomb taught us about a lost civilisation. When death befell several members of the team, rumours of a curse on the tomb spread like wildfire around the world.
28.09 04:15
40 Minuten
Cursed Bloodlines
The name Rockefeller is synonymous with wealth, power, and American politics. Generation after generation has been marked by tragedy; is there a debt to pay for their money-motivated actions?
28.09 04:55
60 Minuten
Forbidden History
The Lost Japanese Treasure is thought to have been buried under the Philippines by retreating Japanese forces at the end of WWII; it is said to include relics, artwork, and gold melted down into bars.
28.09 05:55
55 Minuten
Forbidden History
Apparently imprinted with an image of Jesus' crucified body, the Turin Shroud is one of Christianity's most famous holy relics; scientists battle to try to prove if it's genuine or a fake.
28.09 06:50
60 Minuten
Eiffel: Towers' War
The Eiffel Tower might never have seen the light of day; it owes its existence to the tenacity of visionary engineer Gustave Eiffel prevailing over his main rival architect Jules Bourdais.
28.09 07:50
60 Minuten
The Titanic in Colour
The first episode takes us from the Titanic's construction in Belfast to the final photograph of the ship as she sails into the North Atlantic.
28.09 08:50
55 Minuten
The Titanic in Colour
Artefacts at an auction of Titanic memorabilia in the south of England prove that fascination with the Titanic shows no sign of waning over a century after the sinking of the ship.
28.09 09:45
65 Minuten
Greatest Events of World War II In Colour
Britain and France declare war when Hitler invades Poland; in May 1940, the Germans attack Holland and Belgium as a decoy. As the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe strike in force, the French seem trapped.
28.09 10:50
60 Minuten
Greatest Events of World War II In Colour
A story of World War II told through the ten most pivotal moments in the conflict, supported by exquisitely restored and colourised footage. This is World War II as you've never seen it before.
28.09 11:50
65 Minuten
Greatest Events of World War II In Colour
When Japan's expansion in the Pacific reaches fever pitch, Roosevelt must act. Instead of having them back down by cutting off oil supplies, he pushes them to attack the US fleet in Pearl Harbor.
28.09 12:55
60 Minuten
Greatest Events of World War II In Colour
In the aftermath of Japan's attack at Pearl Harbor, the Navy moves in for a knockout blow. Japan's next strike is thrown into chaos when its plans are unearthed by an American codebreaker.
28.09 13:55
65 Minuten
Greatest Events of World War II In Colour
A story of World War II told through the ten most pivotal moments in the conflict, supported by exquisitely restored and colourised footage. This is World War II as you've never seen it before.
28.09 15:00
55 Minuten
Secret Nazi Bases
Kraftwerk Nord West was one of the largest Nazi bunkers ever; constructed outside of the French town of Watten, it was a missile facility with storage for 108 missiles and two launch pads.
28.09 15:55
60 Minuten
Secret Nazi Bases
As the Red Army approached a forest in Poland toward the end of the war, they stumbled upon a complex containing more than 1,000 structures across 25 square kilometres.
28.09 16:55
55 Minuten
Secret Nazi Bases
A secret weapons programme in the heart of Austria could have ended badly for the Allies and may have indicated nuclear plans being concocted by Hitler.
28.09 17:50
65 Minuten
Secret Nazi Bases
Allied forces stumbled across a Nazi complex in France where three layers of protection guarded three strange things: a swimming pool, meeting rooms, and a bunker that could only house one man.
28.09 18:55
65 Minuten
Secret Nazi Bases
North America seemed safe from the horrors of war for much of WWII, but a chilling discovery in the furthest reaches of eastern Canada hints at the true depths of the Nazis' seafaring capabilities.
28.09 20:00
65 Minuten
A Justice of Terror
We reveal how laws were used by the Nazis to justify the unjustifiable and authorise the most heinous of crimes, and we also learn what role jurists played in this reinterpretation of law.
28.09 21:05
65 Minuten
A Justice of Terror
Viasat History. We reveal how laws were used by the Nazis to justify the unjustifiable and authorise the most heinous of crimes, and we also learn what role jurists played in this reinterpretation of...
28.09 22:10
65 Minuten
Nazi Killing Fields
March 1945: a special unit of the SS feels disturbed by wandering forced labourers in the West when their commander orders a massacre; this was a war crime that remained unpunished for decades.
28.09 23:15
70 Minuten
The Masters of the Reich
We look at the Nazi hegemony from 1941 to its decline in 1945; deciphered archives show us the greatest offensive of the 20th century in the East as well as the apocalypse of a ruined Germany.
29.09 00:25
65 Minuten
Nuremberg Nazis on Trial
This is the dramatic story of the Nuremberg Trials, an event that represented the birth of human rights and serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of oppression, division, and hate.
29.09 01:30
50 Minuten
Ancient Superstructures
Chambord is the largest of the Loire castles; with 220,000 tons of stone needed for its construction, it is one of the most important building sites of the Renaissance.
29.09 02:20
45 Minuten
The Engineering That Built the World
Two nations - France and America - compete to build a path just 50 miles long that will connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; completing it will require overcoming every obstacle imaginable.
29.09 03:05
55 Minuten
Paris: The Mystery of the Lost Palace
It was Versailles before Versailles, a palace in the heart of Paris with a history spanning 2000 years; how has it been erased from memory and built over by successive government buildings?
29.09 04:00
65 Minuten
Forbidden History
Vatican City has its own laws, police, and - unbelievably - its own ATMs that print out in Latin. It's a secret world of libraries, holy relics and artwork that does not allow access outsiders.
29.09 05:05
30 Minuten
Cursed Bloodlines
J. Paul Getty was renowned for his wealth and frugality as well as his lack of empathy and compassion for his family. He would marry four times and sire five sons, but he died old and alone.
29.09 05:35
65 Minuten
Paris: The Mystery of the Lost Palace
It was Versailles before Versailles, a palace in the heart of Paris with a history spanning 2000 years; how has it been erased from memory and built over by successive government buildings?
29.09 06:40
65 Minuten
Ancient Superstructures
Chambord is the largest of the Loire castles; with 220,000 tons of stone needed for its construction, it is one of the most important building sites of the Renaissance.
29.09 07:45
65 Minuten
Scanning the Nile
Built on the shores of the Nile, Luxor is home to the greatest monuments of the New Kingdom: the Karnak complex, the temple of Denderah, and the million-year-old castle of Ramesses II.
29.09 08:50
65 Minuten
Scanning the Nile
The first cataract of the Nile cuts through Aswan, making it a natural border and a gateway to the gold of the Pharaohs; we dive into the waters of Elephantine Island to discover the oldest Nilometer.
29.09 09:55
60 Minuten
The Secrets of Hieroglyphics
We meet a team of Egyptologists in Luxor; they are intrigued by a richly adorned tomb where they try to uncover the secrets of its priests, scribes, painters, engravers and builders.
29.09 10:55
55 Minuten
Caesar's Doomsday War
Julius Caesar wanted to bring all of Gaul under his control, triggering a series of events that would bring his army to the brink of defeat - now archaeologists are uncovering what really happened.
29.09 11:50
60 Minuten
Caesar's Doomsday War
We explore the events triggered by the uniting of Gaul tribes under freedom fighter Vercingetorix, and archaeologists find evidence of the defences that the Gauls built to fight off Caesar's legions.
29.09 12:50
60 Minuten
Real Life of a Roman Soldier
Two sites are emblematic of legionary life in Ancient Roman times: the fort of Vindolanda and the garrison of Lugdunum. Excavations have unearthed objects that shed light on the life of these sites.
29.09 13:50
60 Minuten
Real Life of a Roman Soldier
Recent excavations in the city of Lyon shed light on the daily lives of Roman soldiers; numerous artefacts have been unearthed such as 1st-century A.D. / C.E. weapons and toiletry and leisure items.
29.09 14:50
70 Minuten
The Masters of the Reich
We look at the Nazi hegemony from 1941 to its decline in 1945; deciphered archives show us the greatest offensive of the 20th century in the East as well as the apocalypse of a ruined Germany.
29.09 16:00
60 Minuten
Secret Nazi Science
The Nazis went to great lengths to warp the natural world to their whims as they believed that ruins that could prove the Aryans to be the superior race lay buried in the soil.
29.09 17:00
60 Minuten
Secret Nazi Science
The triumphal architecture of the Nazi regime hints at a deeply dystopian future; what might a Nazi city and the world, have looked like had Hitler succeeded in vanquishing his enemies?
29.09 18:00
60 Minuten
Secrets of the Nazi War Machine
From Lugers to MG42 machine guns and the Pak40 anti-tank gun, James Holland uncovers how the craftsmanship of German weapons engineering was totally unsuited to fighting a long attritional war.
29.09 19:00
60 Minuten
The Pope and Hitler - Opening the Secret Files.
Pope Pius XII was elected to St. Peter's throne in 1939, a few months before the start of WWII; why did he remain silent on the Holocaust, and what did he do during the raid of the Roman Jews in 1
29.09 20:00
70 Minuten
Reinventing China
In the 19th century, the West confronted a China that until then thought itself all-powerful; we follow China's history from the fall of the Middle Empire to the rise of the Chinese Communist Party.
29.09 21:10
65 Minuten
Reinventing China
China faced a Japanese invasion during WWII; far from being defeated, the country found ways to rise again. Discover how China became the second-biggest economic and third military power in the world.
29.09 22:15
70 Minuten
Paris: The Mystery of the Lost Palace
It was Versailles before Versailles, a palace in the heart of Paris with a history spanning 2000 years; how has it been erased from memory and built over by successive government buildings?
29.09 23:25
65 Minuten
A Justice of Terror
We reveal how laws were used by the Nazis to justify the unjustifiable and authorise the most heinous of crimes, and we also learn what role jurists played in this reinterpretation of law.
30.09 00:30
60 Minuten
A Justice of Terror
Viasat History. We reveal how laws were used by the Nazis to justify the unjustifiable and authorise the most heinous of crimes, and we also learn what role jurists played in this reinterpretation of...