06.03 03:50
45 Minuten
The Elephant Hospital
A young bull elephant is rescued after breaking his leg in a violent thunderstorm, and laser technology is used to save an elephant who has come into A&E with severe burns.
06.03 04:35
45 Minuten
The Bizarre Pet Vets
Dr James performs surgery on a tiny zebra finch; Dr Lucinda attends to Froggie, the green tree frog who is actually blue; Dr Shane treats a Macquarie turtle whose abscess has burst through its shell.
06.03 05:20
50 Minuten
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
Julz and Henry from the ZCP track the Kakumbi pups as they face off with a warthog, and Thandie Mweetwa - ZCP's lion specialist - counts the prides that are pushing the Manzi out of their territory.
06.03 06:10
25 Minuten
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
Join Julz on a ZCP lion-collaring mission, go fishing with scout Simon, study mealtime pack hierarchy and witness a heartbreaking vigil for a badly-injured Kakumbi pup.
06.03 06:35
45 Minuten
The Yorkshire Vet
Peter heads to a neighbour's farm hoping that he can save the life of a seriously ill sheep, and cocker spaniel Paddy has an unusual hernia that Julian will need to find a way to fix.
06.03 07:20
45 Minuten
The Yorkshire Vet
Peter removes an oven glove from terrier Wesley's stomach and an optometrist spots a problem with his daughter's pet rabbit Patch; Julian makes the difficult decision to remove an eye.
06.03 08:05
45 Minuten
The Yorkshire Vet
A special episode focusing on births and babies; Julian heads to a local farm where a cow is struggling in labour, and baby goat Daisy has serious eye problems that are affecting her sight.
06.03 08:50
55 Minuten
Brotherhood of Lions
This episode introduces lions with distinct personalities and follows them as they hunt and explore new territories, but conflict arises when the mothers return with new cubs.
06.03 09:45
50 Minuten
Brotherhood of Lions
Hunger drives the cubs to violence and family relationships are complicated; the lions rely on the more agile lionesses for hunting and face challenges such as climate change.
06.03 10:35
55 Minuten
Brotherhood of Lions
Oloborr emerges as the leader of a pride which mainly relies on buffalo for food; as it faces obstacles in establishing dominance, tensions arise within the group.
06.03 11:30
55 Minuten
Animals Decoded
The knowledge passed down in some species can evolve in response to changes in their natural environment; could the flexibility of their cultures be the key to their survival in changing environments?
06.03 12:25
25 Minuten
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
Cameraman Julz Braatvedt returns to the South Luangwa National Park to see the Kakumbi, Manzi and Kakuli packs back in action alongside lions, warthogs, buffalo, leopards, elephants and hyenas.
06.03 12:50
25 Minuten
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
Julz and Henry from the ZCP track the Kakumbi pups as they face off with a warthog, and Thandie Mweetwa - ZCP's lion specialist - counts the prides that are pushing the Manzi out of their territory.
06.03 13:15
50 Minuten
River Monsters
Jeremy heads to Russia's Amur River, where the mysterious deaths of three men appear to be linked with a reclusive freshwater giant. It's a beast that, for some reason, no-one wants Jeremy to find...
06.03 14:05
55 Minuten
Nature's Fast Attacks
In the battle between predator and prey, we explore how deception and speed can often be the difference between life and death; even some of the fastest hunters use stealth to trick their prey.
06.03 15:00
55 Minuten
Animals Decoded
The knowledge passed down in some species can evolve in response to changes in their natural environment; could the flexibility of their cultures be the key to their survival in changing environments?
06.03 15:55
50 Minuten
Brotherhood of Lions
This episode introduces lions with distinct personalities and follows them as they hunt and explore new territories, but conflict arises when the mothers return with new cubs.
06.03 16:45
50 Minuten
Brotherhood of Lions
Hunger drives the cubs to violence and family relationships are complicated; the lions rely on the more agile lionesses for hunting and face challenges such as climate change.
06.03 17:35
50 Minuten
River Monsters
Jeremy heads to Russia's Amur River, where the mysterious deaths of three men appear to be linked with a reclusive freshwater giant. It's a beast that, for some reason, no-one wants Jeremy to find...
06.03 18:25
25 Minuten
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
Join Julz on a ZCP lion-collaring mission, go fishing with scout Simon, study mealtime pack hierarchy and witness a heartbreaking vigil for a badly-injured Kakumbi pup.
06.03 18:50
25 Minuten
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
Head back to the den with the Kakumbi - who are mourning the loss of two pups - and chance upon a hyena lair and a lion pride trying to take down a buffalo.
06.03 19:15
45 Minuten
Nature's Fast Attacks
In the battle between predator and prey, we explore how deception and speed can often be the difference between life and death; even some of the fastest hunters use stealth to trick their prey.
06.03 20:00
45 Minuten
Surviving the Asteroid
66 million years ago: a gigantic asteroid hits the Earth and wipes out the reign of the dinosaurs as no animal weighing more than 500 grams survives this catastrophe. Who are the survivors?
06.03 20:45
55 Minuten
Lost Beasts: Unearthed
Titanosaurs are the largest animals ever to walk the Earth; palaeontologists explore their gigantic fossils to discover why they grew so big.
06.03 21:40
50 Minuten
Lost Beasts: Unearthed
A team in South America uncover the bones of a rare armoured dinosaur; could it be a missing link in the evolution of the ankylosaurs?
06.03 22:30
55 Minuten
Dan O'Neill is on a mission to find, film and measure the planet's biggest predatory sharks; he heads to the Neptune Islands, a place that is perfect for spotting giant great whites.
06.03 23:25
45 Minuten
The Elephant Hospital
The team of vets are attempting to rehabilitate a mentally ill young bull in the hospital's male herd, Kat gets her hands dirty with elephant poo, and Paul helps the vets treat an infected abscess.
07.03 00:10
45 Minuten
The Bizarre Pet Vets
Dr Hamish treats a bitey ferret called Nibbler, Dr James does a health check on Zeus the black-headed python, and Dr Michelle treats a talkative eclectus parrot with suspected reproductive problems.
07.03 00:55
50 Minuten
Wild LatAm
The Caribbean Sea is a mythical place with a wild jungle world living on its shores; this region is home to the axolotls, the Montezuma oropendola, dozens of species of tree frogs, and pit vipers.
07.03 01:45
45 Minuten
The Yorkshire Vet
Julian rushes over to see worried cow farmer Joe, Peter heads to Richard's farm - where a sheep's life is in danger - and at the Huddersfield hospital, Brandy the German Shepherd is lame and in pain.
07.03 02:30
45 Minuten
The Yorkshire Vet
Peter's under extra pressure with Charlie the horse - he belongs to his niece Jess; when Julian sees Jackie Barlow, it's usually about one of her alpacas, but today the patient is her little dog Isla.
07.03 03:15
30 Minuten
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
Julz discovers lions in Manzi territory and is relieved when he finds the dogs safe, a brave puku antelope foils a Kakuli pack hunt, and the Stork pack recovers after losing a pup.
07.03 03:45
45 Minuten
The Elephant Hospital
The team of vets are attempting to rehabilitate a mentally ill young bull in the hospital's male herd, Kat gets her hands dirty with elephant poo, and Paul helps the vets treat an infected abscess.
07.03 04:30
45 Minuten
The Bizarre Pet Vets
Dr Hamish treats a bitey ferret called Nibbler, Dr James does a health check on Zeus the black-headed python, and Dr Michelle treats a talkative eclectus parrot with suspected reproductive problems.
07.03 05:15
45 Minuten
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
Join Julz on a ZCP lion-collaring mission, go fishing with scout Simon, study mealtime pack hierarchy and witness a heartbreaking vigil for a badly-injured Kakumbi pup.
07.03 06:00
25 Minuten
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
Head back to the den with the Kakumbi - who are mourning the loss of two pups - and chance upon a hyena lair and a lion pride trying to take down a buffalo.
07.03 06:25
45 Minuten
The Yorkshire Vet
An emotional emergency for Peter at a friend's farm; Steve's wife is seriously ill, and now her favourite sheep's life is in the balance. Julian tries to remove an abscess on Karine the alpaca's chin.
07.03 07:10
45 Minuten
The Yorkshire Vet
Julian races to an emergency at a local farm where a cow is unable to stand up, and Peter tries to save three-week-old Sphynx kitten Dobby; his tiny patient has pneumonia.
07.03 07:55
45 Minuten
The Yorkshire Vet
This episode marks International Dog Day; Julian has performed lots of surgery on his clients' four-legged friends, but it's a bit different when the patient is his own faithful companion Emmy.
07.03 08:40
50 Minuten
Lost Beasts: Unearthed
Titanosaurs are the largest animals ever to walk the Earth; palaeontologists explore their gigantic fossils to discover why they grew so big.
07.03 09:30
55 Minuten
Lost Beasts: Unearthed
A team in South America uncover the bones of a rare armoured dinosaur; could it be a missing link in the evolution of the ankylosaurs?
07.03 10:25
50 Minuten
Dan O'Neill is on a mission to find, film and measure the planet's biggest predatory sharks; he heads to the Neptune Islands, a place that is perfect for spotting giant great whites.
07.03 11:15
55 Minuten
Surviving the Asteroid
66 million years ago: a gigantic asteroid hits the Earth and wipes out the reign of the dinosaurs as no animal weighing more than 500 grams survives this catastrophe. Who are the survivors?
07.03 12:10
25 Minuten
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
Join Julz on a ZCP lion-collaring mission, go fishing with scout Simon, study mealtime pack hierarchy and witness a heartbreaking vigil for a badly-injured Kakumbi pup.
07.03 12:35
25 Minuten
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
Head back to the den with the Kakumbi - who are mourning the loss of two pups - and chance upon a hyena lair and a lion pride trying to take down a buffalo.
07.03 13:00
50 Minuten
River Monsters
When he hears of a recent attack in a Mongolian river, Jeremy wonders if it could be the work of a giant fish; with gold miners poisoning its last hideouts, it's anyone's guess if it's still alive.
07.03 13:50
55 Minuten
Extreme Snakes
This is the story of how Australia's snakes evolved, over millions of years, to thrive and become dominant predators in every ecosystem on one of the harshest and most extreme continents on Earth.
07.03 14:45
55 Minuten
Surviving the Asteroid
66 million years ago: a gigantic asteroid hits the Earth and wipes out the reign of the dinosaurs as no animal weighing more than 500 grams survives this catastrophe. Who are the survivors?
07.03 15:40
50 Minuten
Lost Beasts: Unearthed
Titanosaurs are the largest animals ever to walk the Earth; palaeontologists explore their gigantic fossils to discover why they grew so big.
07.03 16:30
55 Minuten
Lost Beasts: Unearthed
A team in South America uncover the bones of a rare armoured dinosaur; could it be a missing link in the evolution of the ankylosaurs?
07.03 17:25
50 Minuten
River Monsters
When he hears of a recent attack in a Mongolian river, Jeremy wonders if it could be the work of a giant fish; with gold miners poisoning its last hideouts, it's anyone's guess if it's still alive.
07.03 18:15
25 Minuten
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
Wildlife cameraman Julz Braatvedt arrives in eastern Zambia to film three packs of wild dogs - the Manzis, Kakulis and Stork Colony - in three very different territories.
07.03 18:40
25 Minuten
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
It's 100 degrees and rising; as waterholes dry up, Julz is alarmed to find lions in the Kakuli pack's favourite drinking spot but also gets to touch a wild dog for the first time ever.
07.03 19:05
55 Minuten
Extreme Snakes
This is the story of how Australia's snakes evolved, over millions of years, to thrive and become dominant predators in every ecosystem on one of the harshest and most extreme continents on Earth.
07.03 20:00
50 Minuten
Predator Countdown
We journey to the vast continent of North America to witness the enduring struggle between wolves and musk oxen and how bottlenose dolphins hunt for fish.
07.03 20:50
65 Minuten
An insightful and spectacular celebration of birds of prey, our planet's most successful hunters; from frozen wilderness to tangled jungle, this episode reveals the raptors as never before.
07.03 21:55
60 Minuten
An extraordinary look at the extreme ways in which birds of prey conquer the toughest habitats on Earth ny taking on deadly prey; raptors have solutions to many very extreme challenges.
07.03 22:55
50 Minuten
Planet Shark
Older than the dinosaurs, sharks have roamed our oceans for over 400 million years; only today are scientists are beginning to unlock the secrets to their success.
07.03 23:45
50 Minuten
Malawi Wildlife Rescue
Dr Amanda rescues a blind pet baboon and Dr Charlotte operates on a pangolin whose leg must be amputated; two young baboons have gone AWOL, and we encounter a feisty monitor lizard.
08.03 00:35
50 Minuten
Outback Vet
A puppy fights against a deadly disease in the Karratha Vet Hospital, a chicken gets a prosthetic leg, and Dr Lu volunteers in a koala crisis caused by bushfires on Kangaroo Island.