29.09 02:20
50 Minuten
Malawi Wildlife Rescue
Dr Amanda's team lose a pangolin abused by wildlife traffickers, and we check on a trio of hedgehogs and tag along as the centre's baboons and nyala antelopes get a change of scenery.
29.09 03:10
50 Minuten
Wildest Survival
We explore the extraordinary lives of nature's wildest, most incredible, and sometimes weirdest animals and discover how they have learned to adapt, survive and evolve in every corner of the Earth.
29.09 04:00
65 Minuten
Breaking Wild
It's the last chase of the season and the team makes a final push to bring in some Qayus by moving the chase into the meadows, but tensions run high when they disagree about strategy.
29.09 05:05
50 Minuten
The Yorkshire Vet
Julian and Peter are invited to switch on the Christmas lights at Skeldale and also asked to find a donkey that can be used for a Nativity scene.
29.09 05:55
45 Minuten
The Yorkshire Vet
Julian gets an emergency call to see a badly injured llama and helps a cow named Butterfly, and Peter drops in on his favourite Thirsk clients, elderly farmers the Greens.
29.09 06:40
45 Minuten
The Yorkshire Vet
Julian is called out to a desperately ill calf and rhe team are faced with their most dangerous job yet as Peter, vet Helen and head nurse Rachel try to free a young wild stag trapped by its antlers.
29.09 07:25
50 Minuten
Pantanal - Brazil's Natural Miracle
Some animals are under serious threat elsewhere, but they thrive in Brazil's wetlands; this documentary reveals their secret and also reminds us why this natural paradise is under threat once more.
29.09 08:15
50 Minuten
The Sanctuary: Survival Stories of the Alps
A remarkable she-wolf has led her family through ten treacherous winters in the freezing Italian Alps, but she must find new territory to survive in what will be the greatest challenge of her life.
29.09 09:05
50 Minuten
The Sanctuary: Survival Stories of the Alps
The journey of the she-wolf across the Alps continues; with six cubs to protect, she tries to find new territory to raise them in safety while dodging predators and hunters along the route.
29.09 09:55
50 Minuten
The Pacific
The Pacific Ocean contains 60 million square miles of water, stretching all the way from the USA in the east to Australia in the west. It covers half our world, and it's bursting with life.
29.09 10:45
50 Minuten
The Pacific
The Pacific Ocean contains 60 million square miles of water, stretching all the way from the USA in the east to Australia in the west. It covers half our world, and it's bursting with life.
29.09 11:35
45 Minuten
The Pacific
The Pacific Ocean contains 60 million square miles of water, stretching all the way from the USA in the east to Australia in the west. It covers half our world, and it's bursting with life.
29.09 12:20
55 Minuten
Fateful Planet
The dinosaurs dominated our planet for over 150 million years, but the dinosaurs vanished together with 75% of all species when the last mass extinction struck 66 million years ago.
29.09 13:15
45 Minuten
The World's Most Beautiful Landscapes
Travel through the world's most beautiful landscapes; from wide views to the tiniest close-up, witness spectacular footage and discover the glories of rivers, jungles, and mountains from every angle.
29.09 14:00
50 Minuten
The World's Most Beautiful Landscapes
Travel through the world's most beautiful landscapes; from wide views to the tiniest close-up, witness spectacular footage and discover the glories of rivers, jungles, and mountains from every angle.
29.09 14:50
45 Minuten
The World's Most Beautiful Landscapes
Travel through the world's most beautiful landscapes; from wide views to the tiniest close-up, witness spectacular footage and discover the glories of rivers, jungles, and mountains from every angle.
29.09 15:35
50 Minuten
The World's Most Beautiful Landscapes
Travel through the world's most beautiful landscapes; from wide views to the tiniest close-up, witness spectacular footage and discover the glories of rivers, jungles, and mountains from every angle.
29.09 16:25
50 Minuten
Nature's Ultimate Survivors
It's not just birds that enjoy life at the top as we reveal our top contenders living the high life; which species take the bronze, silver and gold place as nature's ultimate high flyers?
29.09 17:15
55 Minuten
Nature's Ultimate Survivors
We explore a diverse range of topics that showcase the incredible survival skills animals have developed over time and feature our top 20 animal species for each of these categories.
29.09 18:10
50 Minuten
Brown Hyenas
Follow along on a journey as we explore the mysteries of the Makgadikgadi pans through the eyes of a brown hyena mother and her clan as they navigate merciless temperatures.
29.09 19:00
50 Minuten
Massive Africa
The Okavango Delta is the prized jewel in Africa's crown of monumental wildernesses; the world's largest inland delta, its two million hectares of swamp glisten in unrivalled psychedelic displays.
29.09 19:50
55 Minuten
Massive Africa
An action-packed adventure through Africa's last untamed majestic wildernesses; gain new perspective on the continent's wonderlands, iconic natural marvels, and awe-inspiring wildlife spectacles.
29.09 20:45
50 Minuten
Chasing the Rains
In this dramatic series, we follow three animal matriarchs as they protect their families while surviving one of the worst droughts in twenty years.
29.09 21:35
50 Minuten
Chasing the Rains
Elephants dig wells in the dry riverbed, new cheetah mother Kuleta moves into lion country in search of prey, and wild dog matriarch Phoenix is challenged by a mob of hyenas.
29.09 22:25
50 Minuten
Malawi Wildlife Rescue
Dr Amanda tries to collar a roan antelope, the team chases down blue monkey Indigo while unrest ensues among the vervets, and we examine an eagle owl with bumblefoot and say adieu to Sheila the croc.
29.09 23:15
50 Minuten
Wildest Survival
Some species have baffled scientists. We discover the biological marvel that is the saiga antelope, the odd diets of the gelada baboons and greater bamboo lemurs and much more.
30.09 00:05
45 Minuten
Breaking Wild
Chase season is off to a start when a sudden cold snap freezes the Valley floor, forcing the chase team to make last-minute adjustments if they hope to get on an even footing with the wild horses.
30.09 00:50
45 Minuten
The Yorkshire Vet
Julian heads to the historic Harewood House near Leeds to check on some goats who are moving to a new enclosure, and Peter heads over to help when a young farmer struggles with a tricky lambing.
30.09 01:35
45 Minuten
The Yorkshire Vet
Julian is at Jackie's alpaca farm to see one of his favourite alpacas, and Peter's at Arthur Almond's farm because three of his cows need dehorning... but they aren't used to being handled.
30.09 02:20
50 Minuten
Malawi Wildlife Rescue
Dr Amanda tries to collar a roan antelope, the team chases down blue monkey Indigo while unrest ensues among the vervets, and we examine an eagle owl with bumblefoot and say adieu to Sheila the croc.
30.09 03:10
50 Minuten
Wildest Survival
Some species have baffled scientists. We discover the biological marvel that is the saiga antelope, the odd diets of the gelada baboons and greater bamboo lemurs and much more.
30.09 04:00
75 Minuten
Breaking Wild
Chase season is off to a start when a sudden cold snap freezes the Valley floor, forcing the chase team to make last-minute adjustments if they hope to get on an even footing with the wild horses.
30.09 05:15
45 Minuten
The Yorkshire Vet
Farmer Richard Todd brings one of his much-loved semi-feral moggies into the practice, but "Pretty Tom" isn't living up to his name; Peter believes the lump on Tom's face could be a tumour.
30.09 06:00
45 Minuten
The Yorkshire Vet
Julian goes head-to-head with Hilda the Highland cow in a battle to remove a large lump from between her horns; it's lambing season, and Peter is called to a sheep farm to help a ewe.
30.09 06:45
45 Minuten
The Yorkshire Vet
Julian is called out to a poorly three-day-old calf who's collapsed and suspects a bacterial infection, and local farmer Roland brings Peter a newborn lamb with a mysterious lump on its head.
30.09 07:30
45 Minuten
Canada: A Year in the Wild
Canada is the second-largest country on Earth, but animals have to be tough to survive here; from industrious beavers to polar bears and tiny frogs, every animal here has a remarkable story to tell.
30.09 08:15
45 Minuten
Canada: A Year in the Wild
Canada is the second-largest country on Earth, but animals have to be tough to survive here; from industrious beavers to polar bears and tiny frogs, every animal here has a remarkable story to tell.
30.09 09:00
45 Minuten
Alaska: A Year in the Wild
Summer has arrived in Alaska; warm air has banished the snow, but this isn't the time for animals to take it easy. Many still have youngsters to care for, and now is the time to fill their bellies.
30.09 09:45
50 Minuten
Alaska: A Year in the Wild
Alaska is home to half the world's glaciers, America's highest mountains, and ice sheets; grizzly bears, bald eagles, beavers and Arctic foxes must be resilient and adaptable if they're to survive.
30.09 10:35
50 Minuten
Canada: Surviving the Wild North
Journeying from Canada's high Arctic and tundra to its coastlines and vast forests, we reveal how animals manage to survive and seize opportunities that can make the difference between life and death.
30.09 11:25
45 Minuten
The Bizarre Pet Vets
Dr James performs surgery on a tiny zebra finch; Dr Lucinda attends to Froggie, the green tree frog who is actually blue; Dr Shane treats a Macquarie turtle whose abscess has burst through its shell.
30.09 12:10
45 Minuten
The Yorkshire Vet
Peter and Julian catch up with friends and find out how they're getting on; Peter is back at a farm where he once saved a bullock for yet another emergency, and Julian revisits an alpaca farm.
30.09 12:55
50 Minuten
Nature's Fast Attacks
In this two-part documentary series, we see footage that captures the lightning-fast moves used to ambush prey and make equally rapid escapes in the terrifying moments between life and death.
30.09 13:45
50 Minuten
Nature's Fast Attacks
In this two-part documentary series, we see footage that captures the lightning-fast moves used to ambush prey and make equally rapid escapes in the terrifying moments between life and death.
30.09 14:35
55 Minuten
Extreme Snakes
This is the story of how Australia's snakes evolved, over millions of years, to thrive and become dominant predators in every ecosystem on one of the harshest and most extreme continents on Earth.
30.09 15:30
55 Minuten
Extreme Snakes
Africa's diverse snake species have surprisingly adapted to dominate each corner of one of Earth's wildest terrains, evolving to thrive in the myriad of habitats of this biodiverse continent.
30.09 16:25
50 Minuten
River Monsters
In the darkest depths of the Amazon lurks a dinosaur; legends tell of an evil spirit inhabiting an enormous fish... and Jeremy has encountered this creature once before.
30.09 17:15
55 Minuten
Egypt's Secret Valley of the Whales
Join palaeontologists and scientists on a field trip that reveals the remarkable story of whale evolution and investigate how whales lost their legs and went back into the sea.
30.09 18:10
50 Minuten
Nature's Fast Attacks
In this two-part documentary series, we see footage that captures the lightning-fast moves used to ambush prey and make equally rapid escapes in the terrifying moments between life and death.
30.09 19:00
55 Minuten
Europe's Wilderness
Kira is a bearded vulture born in the Spanish Pyrenees and released into the wild in Switzerland at a young age; she is equipped with GPS by wildlife biologists so we can accompany her.
30.09 19:55
50 Minuten
Europe's Wilderness
Grey seals are less shy than the more famous harbour seals; camera close-ups don't scare them, so they allow us to follow them as they rest on the beach and hunt the waters for food.
30.09 20:45
45 Minuten
Scandinavia's Hidden Paradises
We visit four spectacular regions across Scandinavia: Swedish Lapland, Lake Saimaa in Finland, Gotska Sandön in the southern island kingdom of the Baltic Sea, and Norway's Hallingskarvet plateau.
30.09 21:30
55 Minuten
Scotland: The New Wild
The Highlands is a vast landscape dominated by hills, forests and glens; it's a place that's been heavily altered by people and climate, but it's still home to some of Scotland's most iconic species.
30.09 22:25
45 Minuten
The Bizarre Pet Vets
Dr James performs surgery on a tiny zebra finch; Dr Lucinda attends to Froggie, the green tree frog who is actually blue; Dr Shane treats a Macquarie turtle whose abscess has burst through its shell.
30.09 23:10
50 Minuten
Wildest Survival
Discover how some of the world's most extraordinary animals are also the smallest. This action-packed episode will take you deep into rainforests, under the oceans and across vast deserts.
01.10 00:00
45 Minuten
Breaking Wild
As spring settles into the Valley, Howard and Amanda are excited by a spotting of elusive wild horse Elvis, but with the old catch pen in desperate need of a new fence, it's a race against time.
01.10 00:45
45 Minuten
The Yorkshire Vet
It's Sunday morning, but it's no day of rest for Julian as he heads to the Taylors' farm; at Skeldale, shih-tzu puppy Lester - who needs surgery on a hernia - has all the staff purring.