24.11 15:35
45 Min
Victoria Falls: Africa's Garden of Eden
You can see them from distances of up to 30km. Like a mumbling, bubbling volcano, ready to erupt, a glowing cloud rises from the earth. ()
24.11 15:40
45 Min
Victoria Falls: Africa's Garden of Eden
You can see them from distances of up to 30km. Like a mumbling, bubbling volcano, ready to erupt, a glowing cloud rises from the earth. ()
24.11 15:40
45 Min
Viktorijini vodopadi:.
Vide se sa udaljenosti od čak 30 km. Poput vulkana koji samo što nije eruptirao, svetlucavi oblak izdiže se u nebo. (National Geographic Wild)
25.11 00:45
45 Min
Victoria Falls: Africa's Garden of Eden
You can see them from distances of up to 30km. Like a mumbling, bubbling volcano, ready to erupt, a glowing cloud rises from the earth. ()
25.11 00:45
45 Min
Viktorijini vodopadi:.
Vide se sa udaljenosti od čak 30 km. Poput vulkana koji samo što nije eruptirao, svetlucavi oblak izdiže se u nebo. (National Geographic Wild)