13.03 13:50
30 Min
Lui Nellie îi este greu în umbra lui Tater. Tater intervine. (Disney ROM)
13.03 13:50
30 Min
Lui Nellie ii este greu in umbra lui Tater. Tater intervine. - Sursa: media-press.tv (Disney Channel)
13.03 14:15
30 Min
Taternek nagy családja van és még annál is nagyobb álmai. (Disney Channel)
13.03 14:15
30 Min
Primos (12)
Tater skrývá Tońitino tajemství. Tater pořádá přespávačku., (detský) (Disney Channel)
13.03 14:45
25 Min
Taternek nagy családja van és még annál is nagyobb álmai. (Disney Channel)
13.03 14:45
25 Min
Primos (13)
Nellie těžce nese život v Tateřině stínu. Tater se vměšuje., (detský) (Disney Channel)
13.03 15:30
25 Min
Children's series - Ep. 4 ()
13.03 15:30
25 Min
Tater is thrilled to get her very first zit. Tater shadows her cool cousin Lita, as she goes about her three jobs. (Disney Channel)
13.03 15:30
25 Min
Tater gets a zit. Tater tags along with Lita at work. ()
13.03 15:30
25 Min
Primos, ep. 4.
Animirani (Disney.)