13.03 16:55
65 Min
Detective HIP
Follow the adventures of Morgane Alvaro, a cleaning lady with an IQ of 160, as she starts helping the police find and catch highly intelligent criminals. (STAR Crime HD)
13.03 17:00
60 Min
Visok intelektualni potencijal
Morgan ima koeficijent inteligencije od 160, ali joj to nikada nije pomoglo u svakodnevnom životu. (Star Crime HD)
13.03 17:00
60 Min
Detective HIP
Follow the adventures of Morgane Alvaro, a cleaning lady with an IQ of 160, as she starts helping the police find and catch highly intelligent criminals. (STAR Crime HD)
14.03 07:05
65 Min
Detective HIP
Follow the adventures of Morgane Alvaro, a cleaning lady with an IQ of 160, as she starts helping the police find and catch highly intelligent criminals. (STAR Crime HD)
14.03 16:55
65 Min
Detective HIP
Follow the adventures of Morgane Alvaro, a cleaning lady with an IQ of 160, as she starts helping the police find and catch highly intelligent criminals. (STAR Crime HD)