13.03 01:00
60 Min
Very Cavallari
With the opening of the store approaching, Kristin has to re-establish control after the girl-drama of her staff reaches a fever pitch. ()
13.03 01:00
60 Min
Very Cavallari
With the opening of the store approaching, Kristin has to re-establish control after the girl-drama of her staff reaches a fever pitch. (E!)
13.03 02:00
60 Min
Very Cavallari
"Vanderpump Rules'" Stassi Schroeder to share their experiences with the ever-changing ()
13.03 02:00
60 Min
Very Cavallari
"Vanderpump Rules'" Stassi Schroeder to share their experiences with the ever-changing (E!)
13.03 06:55
55 Min
Very Cavallari
With the opening of the store approaching, Kristin has to re-establish control after the girl-drama of her staff reaches a fever pitch. ()
13.03 06:55
55 Min
Very Cavallari
With the opening of the store approaching, Kristin has to re-establish control after the girl-drama of her staff reaches a fever pitch. (E!)
13.03 07:50
55 Min
Very Cavallari
"Vanderpump Rules'" Stassi Schroeder to share their experiences with the ever-changing (E!)
13.03 07:50
55 Min
Very Cavallari
"Vanderpump Rules'" Stassi Schroeder to share their experiences with the ever-changing ()
13.03 15:15
55 Min
Very Cavallari
Before things get too crazy with the opening of the store, Kristin takes the team on a company retreat to the beach. ()
13.03 15:15
55 Min
Vrlo Cavallari
Prije nego što stvari postanu previše otkačene s otvaranjem trgovine, Kristin vodi ekipu na zajednički odmor na plažu. (E!)
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