18.06 16:54
5 Min
Walter and Dude
Walter and Dude the Dog are looking for an item you can play with that is round and bounces. Is it an orange, a trolley of blocks, or a spring? Join the two friends as they discover it's a ball! (Baby TV)
19.06 05:25
5 Min
Walter and Dude
Walter and Dude the Dog are looking for an item that is white, round, hard on the outside, and is needed in baking their cake. (Baby TV)
19.06 06:30
30 Min
Walter & Dude and other stories
(Baby TV.)
19.06 07:30
5 Min
Walter and Dude
Walter and Dude the Dog are looking for an item that has arms, is made of straw, and is placed in the garden. (Baby TV)
19.06 08:30
30 Min
Walter & Dude and other stories
(Baby TV)
19.06 10:29
6 Min
Walter and Dude
Walter and Dude the Dog are looking for an item that you take on a bike ride, keeps you safe, and wear on your head. (Baby TV)
19.06 13:29
6 Min
Walter and Dude
Walter and Dude the Dog are looking for an item that you take on a bike ride, keeps you safe, and wear on your head. (Baby TV)
19.06 16:57
5 Min
Walter and Dude
Walter and Dude the Dog are looking for an item that cleans your teeth and that you place in your mouth after spreading something on it. (Baby TV)
20.06 05:26
5 Min
Walter and Dude
Walter and Dude the Dog are looking for an item you can play with that is round and bounces. Is it an orange, a trolley of blocks, or a spring? Join the two friends as they discover it's a ball! (Baby TV)
20.06 06:30
30 Min
Walter & Dude and other stories
(Baby TV.)
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