02.05 04:00
60 Min
The Absolute Most (E! Entertainment HD)
02.05 04:00
60 Min
În primul episod al sezonului, faptul că EJ se mută înapoi la New York ameninţă relaţia Elisei cu noul ei iubit. Între cei doi fraţi apar tensiuni. (E! Entertainment)
02.05 04:00
60 Min
The Absolute Most. In the series premiere, EJ's move back to NYC threatens Elisa's relationship with her new boyfriend. Tensions arise between the siblings, with mom Cookie trying to keep the peace. (E!)
02.05 04:00
60 Min
The Absolute Most. In the series premiere, EJ's move back to NYC threatens Elisa's relationship with her new boyfriend. Tensions arise between the siblings, with mom Cookie trying to keep the peace. ()
02.05 04:00
60 Min
Στη Νέα Υόρκη με τον EJ Ε1
DIS0017112696,2872831832,0 (E! HD)
02.05 05:00
60 Min
Στη Νέα Υόρκη με τον EJ Ε2
DIS0017112697,2872831832,1 (E! HD)
02.05 05:00
60 Min
EJ plots career moves and meets with fashion industry players as Elisa's struggling relationship has her seek out family for support. ()
02.05 05:00
60 Min
EJ plots career moves and meets with fashion industry players as Elisa's struggling relationship has her seek out family for support. (E!)
02.05 05:00
60 Min
Ex and the City (E! Entertainment HD)
02.05 05:00
60 Min
EJ pune la cale schimbări în carieră, întâlnindu-se cu oameni din industria modei, iar Elisa are probleme sentimentale şi cere sprijinul familiei. (E! Entertainment)
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