13.03 18:10
25 Min
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
Cameraman Julz Braatvedt returns to the South Luangwa National Park to see the Kakumbi, Manzi and Kakuli packs back in action alongside lions, warthogs, buffalo, leopards, elephants and hyenas. (Viasat Nature HD)
13.03 18:10
25 Min
Αγριόσκυλα: Αγέλη εναντίον Αγέλης Κ2 Ε3
DIS0019478131,7193392,2 (Viasat Nature HD)
13.03 18:10
25 Min
Wild Dogs: Pack vs Pride 2
The Missing Manzi ()
13.03 18:35
25 Min
Wild Dogs: Pack vs Pride 2
Kakumbi Are Vulnerable ()
13.03 18:35
25 Min
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
Julz and Henry from the ZCP track the Kakumbi pups as they face off with a warthog, and Thandie Mweetwa - ZCP's lion specialist - counts the prides that are pushing the Manzi out of their territory. (Viasat Nature HD)
13.03 18:35
25 Min
Αγριόσκυλα: Αγέλη εναντίον Αγέλης Κ2 Ε4
DIS0019478188,7193392,3 (Viasat Nature HD)
14.03 03:20
25 Min
Wild Dogs: Pack vs Pride 2
Hunting with the Manzi ()
14.03 03:20
25 Min
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
Run into a lion-hyena showdown with Julz as he hunts for the elusive Manzi pack and join Henry from the Zambian Carnivore Program on a house call to the Kakumbi den where another pup has gone missing. (Viasat Nature HD)
14.03 03:20
25 Min
Αγριόσκυλα: Αγέλη εναντίον Αγέλης Κ2 Ε2
DIS0019478074,7193392,1 (Viasat Nature HD)
14.03 05:15
65 Min
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
Here Comes the Rain ()