10.03 03:20
25 Min
Αγριόσκυλα: Αγέλη εναντίον Αγέλης Κ2 Ε2
DIS0019478066,7193392,1 (Viasat Nature HD)
10.03 03:20
25 Min
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
Run into a lion-hyena showdown with Julz as he hunts for the elusive Manzi pack and join Henry from the Zambian Carnivore Program on a house call to the Kakumbi den where another pup has gone missing. (Viasat Nature HD)
10.03 03:20
25 Min
Wild Dogs: Pack vs Pride 2
Hunting with the Manzi ()
10.03 05:25
55 Min
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
It's 100 degrees and rising; as waterholes dry up, Julz is alarmed to find lions in the Kakuli pack's favourite drinking spot but also gets to touch a wild dog for the first time ever. (Viasat Nature HD)
10.03 05:25
25 Min
Αγριόσκυλα: Τρέχοντας με τις Αγέλες Κ1 Ε2
DIS0019478283,7147321,1 (Viasat Nature HD)
10.03 05:25
25 Min
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
A Close Encounter ()
10.03 11:55
25 Min
Αγριόσκυλα: Τρέχοντας με τις Αγέλες Κ1 Ε1
DIS0019478226,7147321,0 (Viasat Nature HD)
10.03 11:55
25 Min
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
Meet the Packs ()
10.03 12:10
25 Min
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
Wildlife cameraman Julz Braatvedt arrives in eastern Zambia to film three packs of wild dogs - the Manzis, Kakulis and Stork Colony - in three very different territories. (Viasat Nature HD)
10.03 12:20
25 Min
Wild Dogs: Running with the Pack
A Close Encounter ()
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