01.03 22:00
60 Min
Windy City Rehab: Alison's Dream Home
Alison is in the thick of her renovation and the stakes get higher when her electrical bill doubles and pricing for her fireboxes comes in. (HGTV HD)
02.03 07:00
60 Min
Windy City Rehab: Alison's Dream Home
Alison is in the thick of her renovation and the stakes get higher when her electrical bill doubles and pricing for her fireboxes comes in. (HGTV HD)
02.03 10:00
60 Min
Windy City Rehab
Alison faces a tough renovation for a family who've been stuck in home that barely functions. Continual delays push everyone to their limits. (HGTV HD)
02.03 13:00
60 Min
Windy City Rehab: Alison's Dream Home
Alison is in the thick of her renovation and the stakes get higher when her electrical bill doubles and pricing for her fireboxes comes in. (HGTV HD)