13.03 07:20
55 Min
Women Under Hitler's Flag
Women were far from mere witnesses or accomplices by 1942 - and played a role as important as it was deadly. After the war, the women of the Reich simply slipped through the judicial net. (Viasat History HD)
13.03 07:20
55 Min
Women Under Hitler's Flag
From 1942 to the Present ()
13.03 07:20
55 Min
Γυναίκες Κάτω από τη Σημαία του Χίτλερ Κ1 Ε2
DIS0019598227,7088168,1 (Viasat History HD)
13.03 13:40
55 Min
Women Under Hitler's Flag
Women were far from mere witnesses or accomplices by 1942 - and played a role as important as it was deadly. After the war, the women of the Reich simply slipped through the judicial net. (Viasat History HD)
13.03 13:40
55 Min
Women Under Hitler's Flag
From 1942 to the Present ()
13.03 13:40
55 Min
Γυναίκες Κάτω από τη Σημαία του Χίτλερ Κ1 Ε2
DIS0019478273,7088168,1 (Viasat History HD)