24.06 14:00
30 Min
Boarding Pass
Ruka Kusomo, Finland E12. Emeline goes to Ruka-Kuusamo, where she tries river rafting. She also meets a reindeer herder, who tells her about the unique ways of herding reindeer in Finland. ()
24.06 14:00
30 Min
Boarding Pass
Travel guide series taking you on a trip to some of the most beautiful, interesting and amazing places on the planet. (Travelxp HD)
24.06 14:00
30 Min
Boarding Pass (12)
Ruka Kusomo, Finland (Travel XP)
24.06 14:00
30 Min
Boarding Pass
Ruka Kusomo, Finland E12. Emeline goes to Ruka-Kuusamo, where she tries river rafting. She also meets a reindeer herder, who tells her about the unique ways of herding reindeer in Finland. (Travel XP )
25.06 01:30
30 Min
Boarding Pass
Santa Village, Finland E09. Santa Claus has an official residence right by the Arctic Circle, where the Christmas spirit can be felt all round the year. Emeline Nsingi Nkosi goes to Santa Village at Rovaniemi. (Travel XP BNL)
25.06 01:30
30 Min
Boarding Pass
Travel guide series taking you on a trip to some of the most beautiful, interesting and amazing places on the planet. (Travelxp HD)
25.06 01:30
30 Min
Boarding Pass (9)
Santa Village, Finland. Santa Claus has an official residence right by the Arctic Circle, where the Christmas spirit can be felt all round the year. Emeline Nsingi Nkosi goes to Santa Village at Rovaniemi. (Travel XP )
25.06 01:30
30 Min
Boarding Pass (9)
Santa Village, Finland (Travel XP)
25.06 04:30
30 Min
Boarding Pass
Travel guide series taking you on a trip to some of the most beautiful, interesting and amazing places on the planet. (Travelxp HD)
25.06 04:30
30 Min
Boarding Pass (10)
Rovaniemi, Finland. Emeline Nsingi Nkosi goes to Rovaniemi, where she visits a husky farm and finds out about about breeding and raising huskies. (Travel XP )
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