19.09 06:30
30 Min
Food Fact Fun
For those in a dilemma over what they will do on reaching their destination, let alone what to eat, the show is a... (Travelxp HD)
19.09 06:30
30 Min
Food Fact Fun (21)
Yilan, Taiwan (Travel XP)
19.09 06:30
30 Min
Food Fact Fun
Yilan, Taiwan E21. Alex explores Yilan starting from Xing-Yuan tea farm, then visits Farmers' Market and tries duck delicacy. Further visits a Museum, a Whiskey Distillery and National Centre for Traditional Arts. (Travel XP BNL)
19.09 09:00
30 Min
Food Fact Fun (15)
Gouda, Netherlands (Travel XP)
19.09 09:00
30 Min
Food Fact Fun
Gouda, Netherlands E15. Alex tries Dutch food in Leiden, learns about Dutch history at Prinsenhof Museum and visits a local cheese market at Gouda. (Travel XP BNL)
19.09 09:00
30 Min
Food Fact Fun
Alex tries Dutch food in Leiden, learns about Dutch history at Prinsenhof Museum and visits a local cheese market at... (Travelxp HD)
19.09 12:00
30 Min
Food Fact Fun
Dubai, UAE E16. Alex has varied experiences in Dubai like trying Lebanese cheese bread, visiting a coffee museum, going to IMG Worlds of Adventure and more. (Travel XP )
19.09 12:00
30 Min
Food Fact Fun (16)
Dubai 1, UAE (Travel XP)
19.09 12:00
30 Min
Food Fact Fun
After Burj Khalifa, Alex has a traditional Emirati platter, visits the gold market and skiing rink, and goes for a... (Travelxp HD)
19.09 15:00
30 Min
Food Fact Fun
For those in a dilemma over what they will do on reaching their destination, let alone what to eat, the show is a... (Travelxp HD)
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