01.10 05:55
55 Min
Forbidden History
The crucifixion of Jesus changed the world; how much of our understanding of this event is true, and what answers can be found in the Holy Land to back up the Bible's story? (Viasat History HD)
01.10 13:55
55 Min
Forbidden History
The crucifixion of Jesus changed the world; how much of our understanding of this event is true, and what answers can be found in the Holy Land to back up the Bible's story? (Viasat History HD)
02.10 03:40
90 Min
Forbidden History
Apparently imprinted with an image of Jesus' crucified body, the Turin Shroud is one of Christianity's most famous holy relics; scientists battle to try to prove if it's genuine or a fake. (Viasat History HD)
02.10 05:35
55 Min
Forbidden History
The Lost Japanese Treasure is thought to have been buried under the Philippines by retreating Japanese forces at the end of WWII; it is said to include relics, artwork, and gold melted down into bars. (Viasat History HD)
02.10 13:55
55 Min
Forbidden History
The Lost Japanese Treasure is thought to have been buried under the Philippines by retreating Japanese forces at the end of WWII; it is said to include relics, artwork, and gold melted down into bars. (Viasat History HD)
02.10 13:55
55 Min
Zabranjena istorija
Za izgubljeno japansko blago veruje se da je zakopano ispod Filipina, od strane japanske vojske, na kraju II svetskog rata. Smatra se da sadrži relikvije, umetnička dela i zlatne poluge. (Viasat History)
03.10 03:50
45 Min
Zabranjena istorija
Deo nacističkog plana bio je da preuzmu kontrolu nad evropskom kolekcijom umetničkih dela, blaga i zlata. Nacisti su ovaj plen sakrili u rudnicima Austrije i Nemačke. (Viasat History)
03.10 05:30
60 Min
Zabranjena istorija
Velika piramida u Gizi, u Egiptu, predstavlja jedno od svetskih čuda, ali kada je sagrađena, u koje svrhe i ko ju je sagradio? (Viasat History)
03.10 13:50
55 Min
Zabranjena istorija
Velika piramida u Gizi, u Egiptu, predstavlja jedno od svetskih čuda, ali kada je sagrađena, u koje svrhe i ko ju je sagradio? (Viasat History)
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