22.01 12:00
60 Min
I Love a Mama's Boy
The cast react to the season's most shocking moments, including Kristy and Robert's DNA test and the butt-smack heard around the world. (TLC HD)
22.01 12:00
60 Min
Zaljubljena u maminog sina
Glumačka ekipa reaguje na najšokantnije trenutke u sezoni, uključujući Kristin i Robertov DNK test i pljesak po zadnjici koji se čuo širom sveta. (TLC)
23.01 03:40
50 Min
I Love a Mama's Boy
The cast react to the season's most shocking moments, including Kristy and Robert's DNA test and the butt-smack heard around the world. (TLC HD)
23.01 06:00
60 Min
I Love a Mama's Boy
Brittany retaliates and ambushes Matt. Leyna confronts Esther to enforce boundaries. Kristy and Robert share the paternity test results with Nancy. (TLC HD)
23.01 12:00
60 Min
I Love a Mama's Boy
Austin needs his mum's approval to get back with his ex. Plus, Nylah's first holiday with Shahid's family doesn't go as planned. (TLC HD)