23.10 22:50
60 Min
Frozen Gold
Greenland's winter threatens the team's gold mining efforts as an Arctic storm rolls in and the miners brave it out; later, Elley returns to a frosty welcome from the team but plans to win them over. (Viasat Explore HD)
23.10 22:50
60 Min
Zamrznuto zlato
Zima na Grenlandu ugrožava napore tima u iskopavanju zlata, a arktička oluja se nadvija. Tim priređuje hladan doček za Eli, ali ona planira da ih osvoji. (Viasat Explore)
24.10 22:50
55 Min
Frozen Gold
Ray's sluice is finished, but moving it into position poses huge challenges; the team transports it across treacherous terrain and are rewarded when Greenland finally gives up more of its gold. (Viasat Explore HD)
24.10 22:50
55 Min
Zamrznuto zlato
Rejov otvor je gotov, ali njegovo pomeranje na poziciju predstavlja ogroman izazov. Tim ga prevozi preko teških terena, ali bivaju nagrađeni kada im Grenland konačno preda svoje zlato. (Viasat Explore)
25.10 05:50
60 Min
Frozen Gold
Six strangers from across the US set out on the mission of a lifetime to Greenland's brutal landscape; do they have what it takes to overcome obstacles before winter closes in and shuts them down? (Viasat Explore HD)
25.10 05:50
60 Min
Zamrznuto zlato
Šestoro ljudi iz SAD-a krenulo je u životnu misiju u surovi pejzaž Grenlanda. Da li imaju ono što je potrebno da savladaju prepreke, pre surove zime? (Viasat Explore)
25.10 11:30
55 Min
Frozen Gold
Six strangers from across the US set out on the mission of a lifetime to Greenland's brutal landscape; do they have what it takes to overcome obstacles before winter closes in and shuts them down? (Viasat Explore HD)
25.10 11:30
55 Min
Zamrznuto zlato
Šestoro ljudi iz SAD-a krenulo je u životnu misiju u surovi pejzaž Grenlanda. Da li imaju ono što je potrebno da savladaju prepreke, pre surove zime? (Viasat Explore)
25.10 22:50
55 Min
Frozen Gold
The team have managed to build up their mining operation from scratch and finally strike gold against the odds, but Greenland's weather is about to stop them in their tracks. (Viasat Explore HD)
25.10 22:50
55 Min
Zamrznuto zlato
Tim je uspeo da izgradi svoju rudarsku operaciju od nule i konačno osvoji zlato uprkos izgledima, ali vreme na Grenlandu im ne ide na ruku. (Viasat Explore)
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