01.02 13:00
60 Min
When Dena Raley-McCluskey disappears, investigators focus on her ex-boyfriend with whom she had a stormy relationship. An unexpected lead reveals the shocking truth. (ID HD)
01.02 13:00
60 Min
Zauvek nestali
Kada Dina Rejli-Meklaski nestane istražitelji se fokusiraju na njenog bivšeg dečka sa kojim je imala burnu vezu. Neočekivani trag otkriva šokantnu istinu. (ID)
02.02 05:00
60 Min
32-year-old Michele Whitaker leads a troubled life when she mysteriously vanishes. Her family and police investigate for six years, until a phone call gives answers. (ID HD)
03.02 03:00
60 Min
When Dena Raley-McCluskey disappears, investigators focus on her ex-boyfriend with whom she had a stormy relationship. An unexpected lead reveals the shocking truth. (ID HD)