14.03 06:20
115 Min
Zebra trkačica, film
RACING STRIPES (2005) Pustolovni/Komedija/Drama/Obiteljski/Sportski (TV1000 Balkan)
14.03 06:20
115 Min
Racing Stripes
An abandoned zebra grows up believing he is a racehorse; with the help of his barnyard friends and a teenage girl, he sets out to achieve his dream of racing with thoroughbreds. (TV1000)
14.03 10:10
50 Min
Nashorn, Zebra & Co
Zoogeschichten aus München (BR Fernsehen Nord HD)
14.03 22:00
60 Min
"Zebra" este o emisiune in care sunt prezentate mesajele biblice ale pastorului Nicu Butoi din Atlanta Georgia, impreuna cu o echipa de tineri inimosi! - Sursa: media-press.tv (A7 TV)
15.03 08:05
115 Min
Zebra de curse
Stripes este o zebra cu inima de campion si cu un vis special: sa concureze in cadrul celei mai prestigioase curse de cai din Kentucky! - Sursa: media-press.tv (TV 1000)
15.03 08:05
115 Min
Racing Stripes
An abandoned zebra grows up believing he is a racehorse; with the help of his barnyard friends and a teenage girl, he sets out to achieve his dream of racing with thoroughbreds. (TV1000 Balkan)
15.03 08:05
115 Min
Racing Stripes
An abandoned zebra grows up believing he is a racehorse; with the help of his barnyard friends and a teenage girl, he sets out to achieve his dream of racing with thoroughbreds. (TV1000)
15.03 08:05
115 Min
Zebra de curse
Stripes este o zebră cu inima de campion şi cu un vis special: să concureze în cadrul celei mai prestigioase curse de cai din Kentucky! (TV1000)
16.03 08:00
180 Min
Zebra Vier
Malte Janssen (Bremen Vier)
16.03 14:50
125 Min
Zebra trkačica, film
RACING STRIPES (2005) Pustolovni/Komedija/Drama/Obiteljski/Sportski (TV1000 Balkan)