05.12 01:30
100 Min
Soolking au Zénith de Paris
Ce concert, capté au Zénith de Paris, montre Soolking interprétant ses tubes et de belles surprises, comme des duos avec Kendji Girac, Lynda ou L'Algérino. ()
07.12 15:20
30 Min
Ep. 7 (DocuBox)
07.12 15:50
25 Min
Ep. 8 (DocuBox)
07.12 16:15
25 Min
Ep. 9 (DocuBox)
07.12 16:20
30 Min
Zenith - Advances In Space Exploration
The other planets S01 E07. Zenith ? Advances in Space Exploration reveals these latest developments and the implications they hold for all of us. (DOCUBOX)
07.12 16:50
25 Min
Zenith - Advances In Space Exploration
The Sun S01 E08. Zenith ? Advances in Space Exploration reveals these latest developments and the implications they hold for all of us. (DOCUBOX)
07.12 17:15
25 Min
Zenith - Advances In Space Exploration
Space Telescopes S01 E09. Zenith ? Advances in Space Exploration reveals these latest developments and the implications they hold for all of us. (DOCUBOX)
08.12 13:25
25 Min
Ep. 10 (DocuBox)
08.12 13:45
30 Min
Zenith II (VPRO)
De jacht is geopend S02 E05. In haar zoektocht naar antwoorden over Zenith komt Zoë meer te weten over haar eigen identiteit. Allerlei puzzelstukjes vallen in elkaar, maar daarmee ontstaan ook een heleboel nieuwe problemen. (NPO3 HD)
08.12 13:50
25 Min
Ep. 11 (DocuBox)